
Just get rid of covenant abilities all together. Let classes remain their own selfs.

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Humanity presents

World of Wacraft: Insipidlands

NO. For melee dps. The skill that focus on Cleave damage should be just as benifical as the skill that focus’s on direct damage. In the case of Rogue damage, 1 direct damage skill has a higher value in all situations of play.

Also on a un-related side note: I would take a dps punch down for a faster kick refresh skill. Because interrupts are a skill worth focusing in on and that would make me just as valuable to my raid team as more dps would.

Exactly because the best solution is the most obvious one. :raising_hand_woman: :raising_hand_man:

Do you even read?


Also it’s not focus’s, it’s just focus.


Do you?

I can’t partake in the survey - it’s meaningless to me.

I haven’t tried the changes myself. Nothingburger.

NO read it before you start spouting on how perfect this system is, because it is clearly not if you bothered to read any of those well worded well thought out posts in that forum.

KNOW what we are talking about before you talk!

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I don’t have to :slight_smile:
I haven’t played Shadowlands yet, so no one gets to tell me what to think :slight_smile:

Then I will continue to dismiss everything you have to say. Because you don’t get to tell me what to think. :grin:


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Good :slight_smile:


No idea how we got from A to B here, you’ve somehow linked entropy and natural selection being counter to balance, to homogenization. My point was that you can’t compare entropy & natural selection in real life to “entropy & nat. selection” in WoW. One is naturally occurring and self-perpetuating. The other is artificially manufactured and changes on the whim of Blizzard.

But since you’re gonna strawman, you can have both balance and non-homogenization, they’re not mutually exclusive. I could bring up some RaiderIO stats to show the class representation being very close at certain points in time, but I wont. Because for you to make that argument in good faith, you literally have to believe that there’s no point in time where classes were non-homogenized AND balanced. Which, if that’s the hill you’re willing to die on, go off I guess.

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I honestly don’t know if you’re just trying to get a reaction or if you actually think that wow will somehow turn into overwatch with raids if there isn’t power tied to covenants.

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Did you know that the message you just sent across the internet is not sent all in the same “container” but is broken up in small packets. Some of those packets take “chaotic” paths to get to the destination while others take a beeline. They all end up at the destination though.

Sorry it’s hard for you to understand that chaos happens in discrete systems.

I’m glad we’ve established that.

We can go back to talking about class balance and WoW whenever you feel like it

WoW is a discrete system, just like packet protocols. You seem to be having a difficult time understanding a basic parallelism.

Except WoW is controlled by Blizzard. Every element in the game is controlled by Blizzard. So again, Chaos irl =/= Chaos in WoW

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The design being chaotic isn’t caused by Blizzard, that’s caused by the genre.

Have you seen the Ashes of Creation class matrix? You want to talk about chaos… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Class balance chaos is inherent in the genre, not bEcAuSe BlIzZaWd CoNtWoL EbEwYtIng

I find it quite sad that during earlier expansions, like TBC through MoP, these class abilities would’ve just been our new talent row of abilities that we get to look forward to, and it would be a nice addition to the base classes. Sucks that it’s not the case next expansion. :frowning:

TBC, WotLK, and Cata had talent rows? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: