#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

I’m distilling your posts down to their basal logic.

Disagree, and either way they existed for the whole expansion so not sure how that is a point for your side.


Why are you saying elitist when you are meaning to say competitive player? There are lots of competitive people in my guild (I am by no means one of them, I don’t even put most spells in my action bar) and they are very nice to each other and all of us. They share tips on how to do the dungeon, and when they take me into the raids, they will even give me some gear because they have very good gear and do not need it. (which is nice!) I have only ever had one person insulting me because of low DPS and that person was kicked right out of the guild.

I think that we must differentiate between the few people who are rude to others and the people who want to explore the competitive side of the game.


That does sound lame and I hope they go with something more interesting than a Proving Ground.

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What makes you think any of these systems were a success?


Yeah the resounding positive feedback over the original implementation of corruption, azerite and essences LOL…


People played the game and had a great time through all of it, despite the statistical sneeze of forum posters.

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This is Metro we are talking about. He is on a one-man mission to ruin what little goodwill remains for the MVP program.


They should have added convenants in for aesthetic and nothing more.

Hopefully they delete borrowed power and legendaries from the game and balance the classes properly.


“MVP man disagree with me. MVP MAN BAD! MVP BAD!”


Agree my shaman brother in arms!


Because we all played WoW to play as a Class. These systems are temporary systems meant to augment our class. Not the reverse. This is not World of Covenants.

Our classes are our vehicles to play WoW with. Covenants are just another turn in the road


They should just untie covenants from the abilities.

At this rate, the beta will be more fun than the live game because in the beta at least you’re not arbitrarily locked in. The beta is a ton of fun because there’s so many interactions to test out.

Live game will simply be frustrating


I just noticed the Frostmourne sever label. This explains a great deal.

Yeah, those five million(+) people that unsubbed were having the time of their life, clearly.


It’s more that he spends his time getting into fights with other customers and then whenever it gets turned back on him he acts hurt and expresses utter dismay that people didn’t want to just have a nice chat with him.

Stick around. If you can take a break from making up random quotes to read some posts you’ll see it eventually.


You’re from WRA dude

I’ve never seen a server have so many bad takes


I disagree, but

I’d certainly like to see if this turns out to be true or not before calling for the whole system to be scrapped.

Then why did they change all of these systems, no exception, drastically to fix the terrible flaws they had?

Let me guess, you will attribute this to a “small vocal minority”?

You’re gonna have a hard time convincing people that you had fun grinding AP, being unlucky with RNG Legiondaries, playing alts because of essences, having to respec your Azerite traits for your offspecs, or once again being hit with bad RNG with corruption.

Unless you just didn’t care about any of this, which is fine btw, but it simply means your statement is wrong. You not caring does not mean it was a great experience for everyone.


No it is NEVER acceptable. Its against every rule in the book in game and on the forums. You only get away with it because its looked at as “feedback” because they are too much of cowards to tell the community to relax and let them make the game.

Went great honestly.
Launch was poor, and they took dramatic steps to improve the system over time.
Just like I hope they will be able to do here, if the launch is equally poor. Can’t see how it would be though.

It doesn’t matter. You “predicting” a one sided debate is not reason to change the game.
You aren’t willing to even HEAR the other side, so its not much of a prediction.
Its bullying, purely. You will never be satisfied and you don’t care about what is lost in the process. The game must be your way and you will not let them hear otherwise without threat.

Some parts of this community are pathetic honestly.
Its funny looking back at old discussions from MoP and earlier.
Lengthy posts about improvement and maximization down to the global.
Now, its all complaining from players who aren’t half as good as they think they are.