You flag people all the time. You are no better.
Stop talking dirty to me, this isn’t the place.
What are you making up? Where are you getting this from? Do you have access to who i flag? Dirty liar.
Imagine being this desperate to smear me.
Ion has mentioned the possibility of somehow opening up a test/trial mode for different Covenants or something. Not even sure where I remember seeing it so take that with a grain of salt, but “testing other builds” is something they’re vocally aware of.
I want to do nasty things to you, if you catch my jam
I love people with good takes
God what is this toxicity, asking for a cosmetic roleplaying choice that doesn’t impact your character’s power! I almost can’t bear to look at this level of toxicity and min maxing.
Are you asking for ways for people who do not raid heroic to have a way to obtain a similar item level?
I am ok with that. I have always been in favor of a currency system you could earn through doing any activity in the game, so you never feel like you are wasting your time. I think more challenging content should drop more currency, but if you just wanted to raid normal it would just take a bit longer.
I am personally a fan of the content being a reward in itself. I spend a lot of time in unranked BG’s on low ilvl characters just because its fun. I get absolutely nothing for it, but it would be nice to get a reward for it every now and then.
Friggin’ furries.
Couldn’t agree more. They are squatters in a franchise built by more talented people.
“Choices matter. This is bad. Nothing should influence the metagame besides class balance because I am allergic to change and variety.”
Its kind of sad how you guys try to bully them into making decisions honestly.
There is no reason to give up on this system so early.
The reality of this system will not be realized until season 1 of Shadowlands begins properly.
There will be some who will never be satisfied, but that is not grounds for change alone.
If there is groundbreaking problems that can not be balanced well into the tier, then I will support them giving up on it before Season 2 for sure.
Only time will tell so relax with the melodrama and prepare in whatever way you feel you need to to “compete” at the level you are at.
Preach interview I think. Doesn’t really matter though. Testing something in a proving grounds is just boring and makes you feel worse when you get out. Not sure why I can’t just play around with a new build when I’m doing low dungeons with my friends. Meaningful choice I guess? Seems really, really fun
Uh, how can’t the reality be seen in beta where people are literally using the covenants in different forms of content?
Christ you are weird. What is with you and making up random quotes in response to people?
Its only alpha.
Its only beta.
Its only PTR.
Its only a month into release.
They’ll fix it in 9.1.
Have you guys seen what they have planned for 10.0?? HYPE
Yes I LOVE wasting 2 tiers every expansion for them to fix easily foreseeable problems thay Beta Testers repeatedly brought up before launch
Agreed. I think it’s an interesting system and I’d like to see it get a fair shake, but I’d totally support throwing it away if it’s absolutely broken.
We have 5 reasons
- Artifact Power
- Legiondaries
- Azerite Traits
- Essences
- Corruption
These 5 systems have one thing in common: They all failed. Miserably.
Covenants are no different!
Because its not competitive yet.
Standard imbalances exist everywhere, yet we haven’t “pulled the ripcord” or whatever this childish nonsense is on the Class paradigm.
If its unfixable, then you act.
It is not yet, and we have no reason to believe it wouldn’t be yet.
I love how people asked for Azerite vendors and they waited a tier to release them!
I love how people begged for account bound essences so we could enjoy the game on multiple characters and they waited a tier.
I love how people asked for corruption vendor and they waited half a tier to release it.
Apparently in Metros eyes = Bullying.
Those bullies!
1: The hostility is deserved when your track record matches Ion’s team.
I recall you saying something similar when Azerite was in beta. How did that go?
How about “Literally everyone has predicted exactly how this system will cause problems for the game?”
This translates to “If it doesn’t work in the first six months, they’ll fix it next year in the next major patch.”