#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

We are the same way. I think that your idea is a very good one! I would not mind waiting longer to get the best gear, I certainly would not need it LOL :smiley: but it would be very nice to see my character at that power level before the expansions end.

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I’m pretty sure in this case, he means elitest. These aren’t competitive players, they are on record that they will kick you from group or not invite you if you are not of a certain covenant or class/spec. And also hypocrite as one plays one of the unfavorable classes but makes certain one of his many shaman gets in his raids.

Covenant launch will be poor, and they will take dramatic steps in 9.3 to revert it all and listen to feedback.

I just want that now.


Those are fighting words, Mohawk.

So you are saying if I don’t pick bloodthirst as a talent on my warior in classic it won’t make a big difference in my damage?

Borrowed power needed to stay in Legion where it belonged, if they want to add the old talent tree back then do so.

Covenants are going to be BIS first, art and enjoying the storyline later which is goofy. Counter intuitive.


I think it’s fair for people to want to try it out, but as someone who has been playing with and testing the covenants…

It’s going to be nothing but frustrating and annoying not being able to switch. Forget numbers, I just wanna be able to do some cool sh*t on my character, and being locked into what essentially boils down to a really powerful and impactful talent will feel awful.

I get bored playing one talent setup and I like to experiment. For the first time in 10 years of playing WoW I will be forced into one path


Who was the one who said that? They might have been joking to prove a point, and I hope that is the case. My strategy for this game is just to make lots of friends who carry me LOL :slight_smile:

Now now, no dodge my friend

What makes you think any of the previous borrowed power systems were a success?

And no, you answer on Azerite is not something you can say, because they straight up gave up on it. (Goal: Making every trait good, End result: Give up and give every BiS traits in the last raid)


There’s no rule on the forums that says you have to agree with decisions Ion’s team has made, nor is there any rule that states that you must speak positively about them at all times. Sorry, you’re wrong.

That’s a delusional take.

It’s not a debate, the debate is over. The system is flawed and the cracks are only showing even more over time.

Tell me about it, though my view of that issue is a bit green.

No matter how bad something is, no matter how justified people are in disliking something, there’s always that one guy that has to be like “No, Blizzard can do no wrong, Blizzard is perfect, Blizzard is basically god, and you’re just entitled jerks that want to change WoW!”

Just stop.


In Legion we hadn’t yet seen that Blizzard intended to straight up delete Artifacts and then try and maybe sorta kinda bake a little bit of it back in to classes.

The biggest shocker of BfA for a lot of people was realizing that Ion and his Good Idea Pals really WERE serious about their garbage systems.


This isn’t going to happen. The borrowed power systems are Blizzard’s version of Alternative Advancement, and calling for them to just go away isn’t going to wind up very productive.

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You have your self convinced its poor, so of course you do.
You aren’t the only person they design the game for though.

The problem is you think this is feedback.
Its not.
Its you disliking the game you are playing and trying to force them to make it a different way.

That is not how things should work, and it only works that way because everyone is so on edge about dollars and social representation in 2020.

There is no point in even having this conversation honestly, because it isn’t a conversation.
There is only one side and you will not even CONSIDER the other side of it. Not sure why I even bother any more.

I used to love talking about wow, but stuff like this makes me hate it.


At least your flagged and let that cord stay connected.

I don’t know anything about Warriors, so I cannot answer your question. For the ones I have played, it still feels similar to me to play each class no matter which talents I have. It is always fun! :smiley:

Lol. It sounds like you have a good guild. Good friends are the best way to get loot.


They are very nice! I like the bunch a lot. They have been kind to me even though honestly I have no idea what I am doing most of the time, I am pressing a lot of random buttons, and they still let me come with! :slight_smile:

I agree with you here too, I don’t think I would have even kept playing WoW if it were not for the guild I was in when it was new. I tried joining one of the random groups (pups, I think) for a raid and it is not for me! I will go with friends or I will not go at all LOL


Sweet Baby Ray, I wish I hadn’t run out of likes already haha.


I agree, #PullTheRipcord. There’s no reason not to do so.


Is there a possibility this is a design concern decision?

It’s clear that blizz are looking for ways to completely shut down certain playstyles (by their definition, degenerate gameplay).

The first warning shot was launched with the torments system in Torghast early on. It’s a gameplay that players honestly dont care about. If shammies and mages want to bloodlust, then i, as a sin rogue, couldnt care less. But it was such a big deal with Blizzard they almost completely threw the baby out with the bathwater.

The second one… well, aside all the comments they make on degenerate gameplay in interviews… might be the conduit cooldown. Why a week? Its crazy. Why on earth would i care what players do with their characters? If they want to play the respec game, thats for them.

Unless of course they’re very keen to stop players doing something very particular that would rely on a week long cooldown to prevent it. Hmmm… what can you only do in game once a week that they’d want to keep you restricted for that entire period?

So, shot 3, or really just shot 1. Right now we dont know what the cost is to return to the covenant once youve left it, but the last thing i saw was a week and a half to two weeks on this cooldown. And thats, kind of a statement of intention.

Since we’re primarily looking at raiding, specifically min-max high end progression raiding, the logic indicates that the gameplay theyre trying to snuff out is having 20 players all in their very best outlay for every boss encounter.

Now i cant comment on whether this is remotely fair or not. Or even if its good design. Or even if it would work (im a 0/12 mythic raider - im also a 0/12 normal raider, but im mostly a 0/12 mythic raider), so encounter design isnt my wheelhouse. But you’d have to ask why they want to snuff this out? And genuinely, as a 12/12M player, i’d be keen to see why you think Blizzard are looking at killing this type of playstyle? For instance, difficulty curves, accessibility, escalating design building around players with full open covenants and why they wouldnt want to do this?

Now dont get me wrong… i know at the toppest of top ends, players will just have to run 1 of each covenant for each class they play. But that does seem to be a feature and not a bug. So, why might they be doing this?