Players also need to keep in mind that the covenant abilities are not the only thing working to balance out covenants. There are conduits and even interactions with certain content that only those of that covenant can do.
It is a complex system not just 1 or 2 things. This is basically to the point of choosing a new class to add on top of the one you are playing that comes with all the bells and whistles in terms of choice just like you do with your class currently.
The problem with complex systems is they break extremely easily. A lever is an extremely simple system the only way it’s gong to break is trying to move too heavy of a weight. A computer by contrast the average person is likely going to be clueless troubleshooting without the help of the internet because it has far more complexity.
Also choosing a new class at max level is literally the worst idea possible in an mmo and can only lead to frustration and anger in the majority of the playerbase.
I misread it. I deleted my post. My response. Should they treat it like the aldor and scryers in TBC? Once you max one out. You can do another and so on.
For those don’t care about their DPS numbers or running top tier content those choice are important. You character becomes more then just a thing that you log into just for raids. Thats why people are not happy with abilities that can changed and covenants.
Meh. Acti-Blizz might be pressuring them to release, but Ion and his team and the ones who decided to throw every system they could imagine into the expansion. If they aren’t ready it is entirely their own fault, and they should experience the consequences.
Acti-Blizz won’t let WoW fail. Couple of months of dumpster fire will be worth it to get a better team in charge.
The aldor and scryer system was less than a .5% dps difference by tier 5. Covenants are significantly more when factoring in soulbinds and abilities and legendary interaction with those.
But you could literally just choose one and not change it. This is the same argument of anti flyers who want to impose their restrictions on everyone else rather than restricting themselves. I know someone who doesn’t ride a horse in town due to considering it not proper when rping. They don’t demand blizzard takes away everyone else’s horse when in town because that would be dumb yet that is what people want here. They want to control what other people can do rather than exhibiting their own self control.
If covenants just become a skill tree then it loses it meaning. The skills represent the flavor of the covenants. Its more then just “skill a and skill b”. Each soul bind and ability is built around a theme. It would be like swapped a wizard and a warlock spells because one is better then the other.