#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

No it does not. It means allowing people to swap the abilities around.


Reality is that they are tripling down on this. But it is a okay ripcord is pulled eventually or a new dev team by Christmas. Life is good. :+1: :+1: :+1:

Did you? No where in the OP does it mention deleting content.

Edit: I mean if we really want to delete something, lets delete LFR.

#PullTheRipcord means we all get MORE content as we get to mess around with multiple new abilities instead of forced FOMO unless we all play 4 of every class.


My apologies. I misread it but still as Is state above. If you can just swap stuff around the become meaningless .

The only ones forcing it are people like you. Blizzard isn’t the enemy this time. Players like you are the enemy with covenant abilities.

So basically, you’ve already decided you don’t like it and if one reverse justification is disproven you’ll just jump to another one. Makes sense.

My essences dont feel meaningless at all.

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What content are you losing if covenants are changeable? You are gaining content since you aren’t limited to 1/4th of the max level story.

That’s subjective but what isn’t is the possibility of making a choice within the first week of launch only to have it nerfed to hell a month later in Blizzard’s nutso balancing passes.


That goes for class changes as well? Should Blizzard allow you to change classes on the whim?

Nothing in that response is in relation to your profile lol. Wut?

that is because essences were pushed from the very start as something you collect and absorb into your HoA. You are supposed to have all of them and in the context of the universe you wouldn’t need to swap them but instead could use any of them at will.

What? Did you actually read the post you replied to?

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Bad argument considering covenants aren’t tied to my class. Even so, if we are supposed to make a “meaningful choice,” using the argument of a class implies that we already have.

You are the crowd Blizzard is catering to? The crowd who is deep in the trenches referring to other players as ‘the enemy’? You gotta chill, I’m not your enemy, I’m advocating for an open system where -everyone- gets to play the way they want.


and I am advocating for a system that brings consequence and meaningful choice.

Simply put why should players have access to everything at any given time by being able to freely swap them? Why shouldn’t players have to make choices that are very hard or impossible to change once made (for that specific character)?

It isn’t a meaningful choice. It loses meaningful choice status as soon as they change the terms on us with their 500 lb nerf hammer. After our covenant is massively nerfed, what is our choice based on?

Which doesn’t work in an mmo. You make that choice when you enter game making it again at max level after a day plus of time played just to hit that point. There is no save state to just reload.

Because it’s fun and this is a game and it’s an mmo not a single player game. Also because blizzard can only balance with a hammer which means if the covenant you pick happens to be best it will likely get sledgehammered.

Even setting aside wild buff/nerf swings, or “fine tuning knobs” as Ion seems to think, it’s still a problem.

My main annoyance isn’t really even numbers related.

Necrolords are cool to me because they remind me of the army of the dead from The Malazan Book of the Fallen. I’d like my Paladin to join up with them from a story perspective.

However, the Kyrian prot Paladin ability just looks really cool to me. Throwing five shields!

Then the Night Fae signature ability would cover one of the things that makes Paladin not feel great sometimes which is a lack of mobility.

None of that has anything to do with “min/maxing” for me.

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