Pugs = everyone needs on everything because they "can"

Difference being that before it was given to you, but now you have to intentionally roll on it with knowing that you might not actually need it vs someone who does and it shows that to everyone, so while the end result is still the same, it definitely is a much bigger window into how some players will act given the chance to do so

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You go in with the same chance of winning something as everybody else.

Sometimes the dice are unlucky.


I had an exchange with a guy some days back because he decided I don’t need an item and that’s partially true, it wasn’t an upgrade, but I didn’t have the mog and I liked the way it looked so I decided to keep it. This guy acts like he was robbed. I’m honestly getting tired of the degree of entitlement this community continuously seems to be developing on a global scale.

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too many people assume that the player base is responsible for gearing their alts or slowly progressed mains… If I join a PUG, I go in understanding I’ll probably have to carry players and not see any loot, but if my xmog I want drops, I’m 100% needing on it. Also, just because people are geared, doesn’t mean a same ilvl drop or even lower level drop with BIS stats isn’t something I’d want.


Plus if you’re looking at what ppl have equipped when they win loot, chances are personal loot won’t stop you from looking either lol.

/whisper do you need that?

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OK I’ll give you the first one, but there is no better chance at getting loot now VS in the past, there have always been complaints about players running raids and dungeons and never seeing any loot for themselves, that has never changed.

all pugs should have personal loot as the only option, players cant be trusted to delegate amongst themselves when dealing with easily replaceable strangers. just save the master loot/rolls for organized play.

Personal loot was better. Idc how much that ruffles people’s feathers. Some of us just aren’t that lucky


there was a time when behaving badly lead to some serious consequences in WOW. On my realm, any player who did terrain exploit at WSG; was immediately removed from any pvp groups and could wave goodbye to his ranking.

Overall, people had something to lose, but with xrealm, server transfer and name change, a lot of manners have fallen over board.

you realize the same exact thing would happen with personal loot right?


Yupp, just did Pug H yesterday and someone put sale in the chat after winning an item, which they don’t even need or intended to equip.

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thats pretty toxic of them.

For him to ninja that weapon? Yes, it was.

The silly thing about this statement is it still drops the same amount of loot and randomly gives it to players. Since there was no bad luck protection on standard PL, your odds were no better of getting personal loot than rolling Need vs. anyone else who can roll need and winning.

Your odds are actually better in the current system since you do have a chance of a few folks not rolling need who could.

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False though, cause in personal loot every drop was useful to SOMEONE. You wouldn’t get agility dagger without a Rogue for example. RNG now + the fact everyone needs stuff they do not. I go weeks without winning a single item.

Like I said in personal loot a full clear got me 1-2 items. I swear there was a badluck protection, unlike now where I never ever roll over a 65 and even then I lose as others roll 100s

Yeah, I dont get it either. Got multiple alts I do lfr on to get into normal, but can’t win loot because some neckbeard who was never told no rolls need on gear despite having heroic+ track already.

It’s cancerous af. But hey, whatever helps them and the tictacs their proud of feel better I guess.

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I would say that need rolls making something untradable would be an option but that would decimate groups that roll first Sim after.

The thing about rolling need and selling something isn’t even a new concept, people offered gold bribes to buy something they lost the roll on even before cross realm raiding was a thing as sometimes people had gold and wanted item and others wanted item but valued a large sum of gold more. People rolling need only to auction the item off that they didn’t actually want is just an evolution of that with a more selfish design.

Well some could say you could do a good deed by need rolling everything and then being some sort of loot arbiter with rolls between those you deem Worthy of the item being an actual upgrade for, any system that interjects player bias for distribution is inherently flawed.

i can understand doing this on LFR but anything higher deserves a swift ban.

While this is true, this is offset by some margin by the items a person won’t use that they can’t or choose not to trade. Both systems have ways of wasting loot; how much it impacts each raid will be dependent on the exact group composition which is pretty tough to calculate in the abstract.

This is confirmation bias. The same number of items are dropping for the same number of players. Somebody is winning those items. If you are truly seeing fewer drops, someone else has to be getting more items than they would have under personal loot. But unlike personal loot, it is possible for players to choose to pass (which while rare, does happen sometimes) and there are items that the system will not allow players to select need on; it is more likely for players who would wear items out of PUGs to get those items under GL than under PL because of those protections.


The moral of this thread I think is that if you have high gear Blizz hacks your dice and you auto win all the rolls.

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