PUG at your own risk

As of the war within, there will presumably be an instanced path from level 10 to the great vault and even to the big story beat at the end of the raid that includes every single player on an individual axis (and a few actual friends that they presumably know), if they so choose.

Your account will be a singular entity that binds your alts together in an acknowledgement of many things you as a player do, as whatever class or character you are playing.

At the same time, there is a lot, a LOT of grief floating around about class balance, and how rough PUGing M+ is right now.

I don’t think these are necessarily unrelated things.

There’s a bit of a disclaimer that comes with making the game a “one player at a time” default through follower dungeons, delves and story mode: If you choose to leave that lane, particularly to spend your time with strangers, you do so at your own risk because… the approachable path is right there.

There’s a whisper of potential understanding when one class’ minute advantages get inflated by community discourse and overanalysis that if you think something is too hard as the class you’re playing now… play the other class. It’s all Warband.

There is no meta if you’re enjoying yourself on your own time, on the approachable path, on the character you enjoy most, but if you leave that path… a path that you could return to at any time, there is a diminishing degree of responsibility on the game’s part to make those now wholly optional paths among PUGs “fair,” “balanced,” or “in acknowledgement of the meta.”

I’m not telling you how to play, I’m just pointing out, TWW is giving you options. Anything outside the path of least interaction with an overanalyzing, potentially toxic and overthinking mass of strangers are things you choose to interact with.

There is nothing wrong with PUGing anything that can be PUG’ed, except choosing to suffer when the options away from PUGing exist.

Bear this in mind in the decline/leaver/toxicity vortex of optional PUGing as the war within rewrites the social paradigm of WoW.

There is a path for everyone, designed for anyone, and you leave it at your own risk.

Play with friends, play alone, or choose to suffer. You either PUG content because you like people and are accepting the now wholly optional pitfalls of PUGing, or you don’t, and the game itself (now more than ever) has your back.

Just a thought.

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