M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

Yes easily. I know wow players it won’t make sense but low starter keys will require entire groups that take advantage of the mobs minor weakness.

No one here plays consistent enough they could even notice the damage this will effect.

“Ah yes. I can tell I did 3% more damage. I usually do 321k DPS. This time I did 330k. And I know it’s specifically because of the affix. Because I play my spec optimally enough that my damage doesn’t fluctuate”


Seems a bit redundant to create a new thread just to link your other thread that is currently still active.


As a healer I am glad incorp and afflicted are going in the dumpster


As I’ve said multiple times. The purpose of these affixes I think are fine. I want to see how they hold up in testing.

Because I do like the idea that the affixes favor different specs and classes per week to encourage more diverse group options instead of trying to always run as close to the optimal meta group as possible that can just smash everything. That intent is good and I want to see how it goes.

However, in practice, I don’t know if it’ll actually play like that and not just quickly devolve into “Oh this week doesn’t provide a bonus to fire damage, sorry fire mages you gotta sit out or respec this week lol” situation.

I’m willing to test it on the Beta and see how it feels, at least.

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It absolutely feels like they’re trying to carve out a niche for M+ that doesn’t match the ubiquity of “kEEEEEys” in community discourse. It’s kind of like the overcorrection of heroics going from WOTLK to Cataclysm, only in this case it’s potentially motivated by re-introducing “heroics as relevant” and their new feature, delves.

I can’t imagine M+ PUG players will enjoy being told, even between the lines “Maybe heroic dungeons or delves are more your place,” but like… they aren’t obligated to make their “Esport mode” Super PUG friendly when these new and revived options exist.

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I think the biggest problem that M+ has had since its introduction, is that it is trying to present itself as this casual player end game pillar. The reality is much different, though. M+ isn’t the most pug friendly system. The way it is set up with the key system and these gimmicky affixes really doesn’t jive well with to the overall player base that plays this game.

I’m all for having challenging small group content, but M+ feels like a bust for me, and Blizzard has been struggling to balance its place in the end game since Legion.

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So this is just me speaking for me, well me and my friends, but I have never seen M+ as casual or PUG friendly. As an outsider looking in, I’ve always thought “y’all are crazy to bank on keystone master to define you as a WoW player if you don’t have a regular team.” WoW will never apply the agility required to keep up with “why am I getting declined/the meta is this now.”

Again, that’s just my observation that… only gets validated every few minutes as I watch M+ discourse.

Do me a favor and remove all talents that cause ur spells to do 5% and 3% more. Go smash a 12 or something, and tell me 3% gain isnt huge, it is plenty enough to make the key community even more unfriendly and hard to get into groups. Stop defending stupid, no need for +% to dmg types for a specific week. Lets dr dh sigils like a warriors showckwave with every other class providing a stun, this class balance has nothing to do with the affixs , but these affx are gonna be toxic, period

Top dps: 100 dps without affix, 105 dps with.
2nd seed: 95 dps without affix, 99.7 dps with.

Even with a 5% class balance difference the affix won’t make any meaningful impact. Especially with Blizzard’s actual class balancing differences.

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IMO the whole 0.1% nonsense needs to go. It’s not healthy for the game imo. Only the sweatiest with no jobs get to 0.1% by grinding all day every day. Not hating, do you. I think it needs to be raised to 5%. Let people with irl responsibilities have a chance.

Not hating, sweat it up XD. Would be cool if other people had a chance. It’s just an opinion.

If my playful teasing is too much I’ll edit it. It’s lame I have to even type that but these forums /shrug

What, no thats not how that works, if ur arcan and all ur spells do % more dmg if u bleed all your bleeds to % dmg wtf

Is this even english?


Is this math?

I read it three times. I dunno. Maybe I need more coffee.

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It’s actually very possible that the devs don’t play this game at a high level or as often as most of their customers. Developing this game has to be hard work. After a full day programming who would want to immediately go home and play the game they just spent 8 hours working on? How many of us do something for work all day and then go do the exact same thing with our free time?

It is real math. You realize the damage gained is only on casters with mana or non-casters without mana right? Not both. You are not doing 10% to all trash. This equates to a more realistic 5% gain that also doesn’t impact bosses.


What? You don’t speak G-Fuel?


The bonuses are 10%, but only to some trash mobs and not to bosses.

So it’s not a flat 10% damage bonus to the key.

If mana and non-mana trash is split evenly then it’d be 5% total damage to trash.

Then it doesn’t work on bosses, so it’s actually less than 5% total damage in the key. Likely closer to 3%.

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You don’t have your CRED???