PTR PvP Gear Vendor

Unsubbed because the gearing system sucks. Won’t resub until it’s fixed. The gap between iLevel scaling in arena should be minimal as in 2-3 ilevels, (not bothered about the gap in PvE).


There just needs to be 2 sets honor and conquest.

If you want to have tier sets for pve ilvl that’s fine, don’t care.

But all conquest gear should scale to max ilvl in pvp. 1 tier


I don’t think the numeric value of ilvls matters to be really knitpicky, but considering that the effective value between 200 and 220-226 ilvl is large.

Then we’re going to consider that (assuming it takes about 15000 honor to buy a full honor set up to 170 ilvl in season one) that well have 203 ilvl gear assuming we save 15000 honor pre 60, then we’ll be roughly 203 ilvl in season 2 honor gear.

Then starters season 2 honor gear vs duelist season 1 gear is a difference of 17 ilvls (and lets say 5khp and a bunch of main stat). Then lets assume we’re mid-end of season 2, then we’re comparing 203 ilvl to base conq (233) or duelist conq (259). Keep in mind at that point of the season, we’re probably selectively upgrading honor pieces while focusing on getting conquest for more bang for time spent.

I know I’m contradicting myself, It’s actually impressive that there’s such a large numerical disparity between starter s2 honor and s1 conquest (30) let alone starter s2 honor and s2 duelist conquest (50). How significant this delta will be I hope I won’t find out and stay grounded on one character lmao

Wow…bring on TBC classic.

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In summary:

  • Honor gear and conquest gear should scale to its max value in pvp regardless of the upgrades - this is how it was in WoD and is the best system (side note, it’s basically templates w/ secondary stat choice at that point people…)
  • Upgrades should only be for viability of the gear in pve, they should play no role in pvp
  • Time played metrics are the only thing that matters (guess they’ve got some analysis on time played = increased microtransactions or something)

dude, dont bother saving 15k honor for next season because you can be sure that they will reset it

oh no I mean in general, like lets say you’re new to the game and you cap on honor or you just cap honor on an alt during season 2.

For sure they’re resetting honor : (

Imagine a fresh 60 having to grind 60 Renown just to play pvp… Blizz is literally trapping players into playing more so that they can make more money.


Was there any thought put into this at all? This is horrible. The gear disparity this season is already bad enough and now people who didn’t grind out rating in season 1 are expected to start the next season with a huge disadvantage that can’t be remedied until several weeks into the season. If this stays then many people will not be playing next season. Not sure I will either.


I think it’s time for a mass exodus from this game. The devs just keep pooping on everyone that’s not a streamer or boosting service. Blizzard is officially dead.


I love how they make 2 posts on the PTR forums about this, receive backlash, and now have completely disappeared.

Please just tell us if you’re even considering an alteration to this system. If not, allow us to walk-away in peace. K thanks.


I really hope Season 1 gear is excluded in the ilvl increase in season 2. It will not be a fun experience for anyone if this is going live like this.

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This last point is so on target. I really hope that a Blizzard representative / blue post takes it into consideration. The ladder should be where one grinds, not grinding endlessly to even compete at all. The classic permission paradox.

I will be joining the others stating they will unsubscribe, until the aforementioned issues are addressed. I wanted to be excited about 9.1 PvP… this is really unfortunate.


I won’t unsubscribe out of protest but out of my inability to play alts without playing an irresponsible amount of time.


Why would they put the effort in making the game fair when there making all that money on tokens right now. Instead of creating something nice, they’ll simply hit “upload” on tbc since its more what we asked for on the gear side. Easier to copy paste and fool us with old stuff than it is to create a fair new system that still makes them token money.

If I don’t enjoy fury warrior in arena next season and if I have to even consider an alternative to the specified gearing route, I quit.

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They need to just have 2 ilvls about 20 or so levels apart. The extra honor and CPs should be able to be spent on sockets, chants, tmogs etc.

Bumpity bump bump.

That would be pretty cool. PVP glyph rewards anyone?!
I’d love to pop out a flashy glyph when I’m running a M+ that shows “hey this guy PVPs!”

Instead I won’t even be in a M+ because my gear won’t work there, and I probably won’t have that reduced-effectiveness gear in the first place because I don’t have 95 hours to spend getting one-shot by people who do.


The ONLY positive about this change is the POSSIBILITY of them adding in a catch up system since the pvp gear is lower ilvl than pve gear. Outside of that slim possibility (and even with it to be honest) it’s still pretty garbage. All season long my buddy and I were 200 ilvl fighting higher geared people until about 2 weeks ago when we got 1400… At which people in the last week or so people seemed to have higher gear than before.

I don’t get why they can’t see the idiocracy of having such high power increases between different ratings. If they really want pvp to be populated, make it so you can slowly upgrade your conquest gear with honor at the very least. I don’t know what’s going on in their thought process.

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They are incredibly out of touch and that is a leadership problem. The only way things change is with a new leader.