PTR PvP Gear Vendor

Season 2 will be popping for about 3 weeks, then you’ll have a ghost town for 6 months, gg blizz you literally are doing more work than we are asking for, to absolutely no benefit


Because the gap between 177 and 239 isnt big at all.

Epic failure again. RIP PVP you will be missed.


Remove the god damn rank up systems and the gearing would be exactly what we want. How can they fudge up that bad.


Because people get BIS gear then get honor and CP they cant use.
What they shoudla done was let us use the extra currency for sockets and chants tot he gear not ilvl upgrades.

The mad lads did it again boys, managed to make a relatively bad system worse. Kudos


Thanks for the update Kragian.

Good to know that as of now I have zero reason to bother with retail.


I find it very funny how the system doesn’t change anything.

This system is bad and pvp is going to be dead end content, the only reason to play pvp for majority of the people who actually did it was to get some gear to help fill the slots that raiding/m+ left. without those people actually trying to play the bracket is gonna be so dead that all your gonna face is blizzcon champs and people who pvp only at 1400 lol.

Wow. I usually try to stay pretty positive about things on the forums but wow. The gearing this past season would have been great if they would just get rid of most of the ranks. I assumed they did that season 1 to have pvp gear line up with all the different gear levels in mythic+. But now that pvp is not good for pve, there’s no reason for this.

You Will Retain More Subs If The Ladder Is The Grind And Not The Gear.


Without the gear incentive, no1 is gonna be doing pvp but those who like arena. so there is gonna be very little room for new pvpers to actually learn anything as they get stomped on by veterans and then thats made even worst by ilvl tied to ranking. While this does remove the need for pvers having to do any pvp to help progress their gear for raiding. this also kills any incentive to play at all and therfore all that will be left on the ladder is people enjoy pvp only and then they will gear up an smack down anyone even trying to learn pvp or god forbid play an alt.

Is this our punishment for asking for SoloQ


0% interest to return to PvP. I used to PvP super hard on my other guys. From the one shot meta, always fighting 40k hp people when I was just 210, still dying fast even with 28% and defensives… you would think if the gear was a bit more even at least I can blame myself and say “well I was bad”. But constantly being under the heel of glads in the 1400s bracket is absurd. Then with this new tier, it just widen the gap even more. Will just stay a PvE Hero until my sub runs out in a month.


You have killed your own game blizz. And people thought it would be another game to do it… you did it yourselves… GG RIP PVP


I guess this proves they didn’t like having all the raiders being upset about their gearing situation but don’t care about the PVP gearing situation.


I hope people don’t actually think that this is some sort of oversight or accident on Blizzard sides. Like they don’t know any better.
Very similar to American internet providers Blizzard has exactly, to the penny calculated how much time and money can be squeezed out of the average individual and combined that with the absolute minimum amount of fresh content required to keep somebody on the hook and hoping that better times will come. Just enough to prevent them from unsubscribing.


BUt yOu GUyS SaId YoU WAnTed VenDoRs


This system is bad af. We needed only honor or conquest gear. All this grind is terrible for the game.

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Mom, we want wod vendors!

Blizzard: We got vendors at home
The vendors at home: shadowlands ranked up gear


We have off brand vendors at home, sweety


Jesus… Cya WoW, simply do NOT have time for this nonsense.