PTR PvP Gear Vendor

what is this crap that they are doing


absolutely terrible…
This company is a god damn joke now… very sad.

Like many have said here, I also wont be playing if this goes to live.


At this point I’m convinced that this is just some weird social experiment. Blizzard is intentionally trolling us, OR legitimately just wants pvpers to not like their game. This honestly can’t go live. Absolutely abysmal. Keep tweeting and having these types of discussions on the forums, though. We need to be heard.


At least we have tbc


So much for a soft reset.

I was waiting for this patch to start some PvP.

Oh well…


Why do we even need honor ranks when they made honor gear explicitly worse for pve now?


That much for leveling a second resto druid. What a sh#t show.

Season 2 leather set also looks like some 2021 updated barrens quest reward.


You need some kind of achievement to get onto unrated yolos…er, wait a minute.

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wtf man


Ya that will be the end of my sub.

This company is obviously the most out of touch it’s ever been.


So not only did they make this worse for PvP, it’s also worse for PvE

Jake Peralta voice



I absolutely refuse to believe this is true… I guess a rogue blinded me or something. I’m hoping I’m looking at this wrong, but can we upgrade our current gear, or do we really have to regrind the honor gear again? So now S2 will start with some people in 226 gear and some people working from 190 gear? Sadly they are making it even more worth paying for a boost at the end of S1 so you can at least start on at an even level.


No, season 1 gear is not upgradable on the PTR.

Yes, Season 2 honor gear starts lower than where Season 1 honor gear ended. Completely nonsensical.


If this is the case the I think I am done along with many others. This is by far thee worst decision Blizz has had in years… They are out of touch and they don’t seem to care at all… I think we all need to voice our concerns or this will be the end of PVP for a lot of people.


Wow is dark and full of terrors.


BLIZZ needs to make the starting set for S2 BETTER THAN WHERE S1 Set ended… are they all stupid?


100% agree at the very least I should be able to spend my 15k honor to get 226 gear (heck I don’t even care if the higher players get the weapon advantage) and start s2 at a level playing field.

this isnt new they release a system thats so poorly designed with no logical reasoning that it seems the system was developed in complete isolation by someone who has never played the game. they then reveal it to us and we shoot it full of holes but they cannot and will not admit bad design or fault. so they keep as much of “their” idea in place as they can to implement the lowest acceptable form of the design.

Corruption and this current change are the perfect examples of the hubris and incompetence of the dev team and leadership. RNG corruption should of never even made it out of the brain storming stage, it should of instantly been identified as problematic on multiple fronts and should of came out as a vendor without a rotation on its first iteration. except we got months of people who got lucky running around with bis corruptions and some running around with dog tier and then their grand solution was putting them on what a 5-6 week rotation, so if you for some reason missed it on rotation or got an upgrade that you couldnt wear you waited 6 weeks for it to come back around.

This is no different. we ask for scaling and they know its the right call but they have to use their 500 IQ to try and make it better and the result is this. So you are telling me that all the brain power at blizz cant understand waiting months to get enough renown to upgrade honor gear to the current levels of conquest gear. obviously this could never go live because the gear gap would be worst than it is right now which is hard to do. i just dont understand why they would release this system with the current ilvls to be tested when it just doesnt make any logical sense and im more confused why they just dont implement scaling in its original form instead of trying to spin it


Anyone wanting to play an alt in Season 2 (or heaven forbid a new player) that was not conquest geared in Season 1 is going to have a rough time. The majority of the players will be in partially upgraded S1 conquest gear. By the time that these new characters grind enough renown, their competition will be partially (if not primarily) geared in S2 conquest gear.

It’s like “hey, Bronze tier, you’re getting bumped down to Paper tier. Gold, Platinum and Diamond, start gearing on day 1, carry on…”

not even just conquest gear. The only way you can by pass the honor gear upgrade is if you were in 220 gear. Than it’s possible to just focus on Conquest gear in S2 because your only missing out on 9 Ilvls from conquest to max honor gear. Otherwise if your 213 or below you will probably be putting 190 Ilvl gear in your bags to start upgrading while you still fight as a disadvantage.

Edit: what’s funny is I actually like that you can earn gear as you progress, but I think it’s more important start on equal footing.