PTR Feedback

Then all of this garbage conversation is only hypothetical. Nobody plays convoke in PVP, incarnation is incredibly strong at the moment. The funny thing about convoke is that it was only ever good in niche situations (playing with a prot pal) any one with a room temp IQ would just focus kick/cc it. CD trading is not fast gameplay, it also leads to even slower downtime. I’ve played other classes, downtime feels horrible on all of them. Some more than others, I’d say fdk and sub rogue are the biggest outliers in that department.

On FDK you can strictly only kill something during your one minute pillar windows. This forces them into a rather rogue like play style of doing their go and running for the hills, spamming chains until their next go. Their damage is so meaningless outside that window that they can only slow the enemy and kite for 1 minute. That’s not very fast either and is not how a Frost DK should play.

I mean how can I not get that impression, seems like something you’d genuinely believe.