PTR Feedback

Id rather not go through another PTR session with no feedback so drop a comment or make your own thread

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I will speak for Assassination spec.
We do not need a rework or new talents, or % buffs.
Just please adjust a few abilities.

Example: Exsanguinate - 1 minute CD.
Indiscrimminate Carnage - 20 second CD
Deathmark - This NEEDS to be 1 minute. Our tier literally relies on this
ability to do damage after. So change the cooldown to 1 minute and change
the tier buff to 30s instead of 40s.
Crimson Tempest - Lower the 6 combo point dot of 14 seconds to 7 seconds
Keep the same amount of dot dmg.
Kingsbane - Lower the CD to 30 Seconds.

There, now your assassination rogues will be on par with arcane mages, mm hunters, evokers, locks & shadow priests.

Does’t seem like its too crazy right ? but it would literally make the spec feel fast, furious and all about family.

I remember when our Mastery affected bleeeds & nature dmg. But I get that you guys don’t wanna backpedal.
These changes aren’t huge buffs but they will help good rogues do good dmg.

I really hope someone actually reads this & considers this and if you do, this is for you.

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Never have I ever played a more excruciatingly painful version of the game. Get rid of minigame spells and mechanics, I’m so tired of deeper stratagem and extra cps. All these things make it so our finishers rely on this garbage to do anything, and is literally the illusion of doing more damage. Had these things not been added to the game finisher damage would be balanced around having 5cps, and having 5cps feels far more fluid than 7cps or echo.

Honorable mention of talents that have to walk the plank are dance, invigorating shadows, perforating veins, lingering shadows, finality, deeper daggers, thistle tea, sepsis, flag.

I could honestly go into how a lot of things should be passive, how dance/fw should be sub only (not that the other specs shouldn’t have armor pen), and other nit picky things.

I made a talent tree of things I want, but obviously its with a PVP point of view just like anything I say. Here’s a little sneak peek, if anyone cares just go into the thread I made and click the doc to see what each talent would do. Spent 40+ hours putting this together.


We disagree. You want a linear class in a game thats no longer linear.

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Define linear in a PVP context

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What you are asking for is for us not to have abilities that can literally turn the tide of the game in PvP but to have like a vanilla Rogue PVP instead, I played back then when you had to 5-8 kite warriors with crippling just to win you had no OH SNAP HEIS GOING HAM buttons where you can turn the tide of the battle.

Sounds like you want the old luffa for bleeds and backstab for dmg with eviscerate.

And … I mean you can totally want that & prob have that in classic but the retail game has evolved where you can go from 40kdps to 130kdps in 10 seconds by doing a smart setup.

Linear is like Demon Hunters in PvP, they try … bless their heart but their class is so simple it’s boring and linear.
Example of their linear PVP, they have straight abilities that do damage nothing interracts with another ability on a deeper level to create a good setup.


Well said. While theres an argument to be made for individual execution, having so few abilities and interactions between abilites just leads to telegraphed gameplay. You always know what the opponent will do next. Not to forget that those changes cant be made without completely ruining PvE gameplay.


The game is pretty linear now, just do damage and win the game. No need for super complex goes or to set up a complex chain. Just do big pumpy. Also what abilities do we have that turn that tide of battle and which ones do I want removed? Can’t kill in duel and can’t kill in bomb in a full kidney unless you abuse one gimmicky spell? That’s pretty linear, literally one setup you can win off of.


And yet you want to make it more linear.

They werent complex. People just werent able to react for multiple GCDs. Like I’ve been saying, the game is simply faster now.

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Because I want my other spells to be effective outside of pressing CB > Tech? Good take. Also it really isn’t faster, outside of dance downtime is a joke. In a pvp of course.


Yes, the energy classes play the same. Every other class plays faster than they did a decade ago. Are you really having trouble understanding this?


Energy regen outside of dance is sleeper what are you on about? The gameplay is pretty slow. And even when you dance the gameplay isn’t very exhilarating considering your only meaningful spell is secret tech.


Try Assassination, you don’t have any energy issues between ticks from garrote & rupture and thistle tea I never find myself energy starved.

That’s the problem my friend, I want to play sub.

Also back to Xae, I really see a lack of “fast” gameplay. Shuriken storm>black powder isn’t exactly revolutionizing gameplay. Adding a poor man’s hit combo isn’t either.


Bro I think you are having a gear issue, 2% haste is low.
With Shadow Tech & Slice and Dice + even 8% haste you will be golden.
Also don’t forget Relentless Strikes, 6 Energy refund per Combo Point.

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You must not play sub rogue in pvp. Stat weights are vers mastery > crit.

Go down that list and find me someone that is stacking haste that isn’t an assa rogue.

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I totally get what you are saying man but one you upgrade your gear from blue to purple and drop 2-3 % vers in favor of haste you should be golden.

Besides your Mast > crit is focused on massive upfront unload … your energy regen is dependant on constantly auto attacking and hitting finishers, it’s hard to do that in PvP.

Good luck doing that into a melee/caster cleave that out pressures you by literally looking at you. I’m not talking battle grounds. Also my guy, it’s literally the first week of the season XD. I’m capped on honor, crafted my stuff, and did the wpvp quests.

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I know man, I absolutely agree about being out pressured.
Oh I didn’t mean anything by that about your gear I know it’s only day 6 lol.

Let’s get back to rogues and how we need QOL changes.

I cannot explain it to you any more plainly than i already did