PTR Feedback

Agreed, we all love the class in different ways. Everyone plays the class differently, everyone does different content. I just gotta be honest when I see something that’s untrue in any organized pvp scenario. Sub rogue can’t use the the different cdr and shadow tech when we have to scurry away after every DR. The pressure outside of doing stuns is non existent.

I don’t need an explanation from someone that doesn’t even pvp. Prove me wrong play sub rogue and go for your illusion, it’s pretty cool. Actions speak louder than words.

Pvp rogues play one game, pvers play a different. It’s pretty funny.

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There is no illusion. Youre literally incapable of addressing the issue in any way other than stripping down the spec, and im explaining to you that that wont work because every other class plays faster now than it did a decade ago. Your reading comprehension is so insanely bad you for some reason think that includes rogues, but no. You will get no where with your suggestions because you dont even understand how those effects will relate to how other classes are currently designed.


You lost me there, get the shadowflame illusion. As for faster classes, boomy and bm hunter wants to say hello.

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Boomy literally has an ability that lets it cast 16 or so spells in a 3 second time period. Its been a contentious ability in the past. Literally what are you saying. Does that sound slower to you?

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Casting 16 spells with one spell/channel. You’re better than this.

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And youre being willfully argumentative. It defends my point. Like i said, you dont understand how other classes compare.


It works the other way my friend, your pride and desire to be right blinds you. The boomy isn’t literally pressing 16 different binds it’s all from one keystroke. In pvp they don’t even do this, they just press instants and spam their space bar. All their damage comes from their dots, starfall, and surge. JOKE of a class.


Thats not what i mean when I say the game is faster. More damage happens in a shorter period of time. Toons move faster. Games end quicker. You overall have less timr to react to anything. My comment had little to do with how many buttons are actually pressed in a time period (although an argument can be made for that as well).

Insane how you instead chose to think someone thought druids actually pressed 16 buttons in 3 seconds for their convokes.


Then all of this garbage conversation is only hypothetical. Nobody plays convoke in PVP, incarnation is incredibly strong at the moment. The funny thing about convoke is that it was only ever good in niche situations (playing with a prot pal) any one with a room temp IQ would just focus kick/cc it. CD trading is not fast gameplay, it also leads to even slower downtime. I’ve played other classes, downtime feels horrible on all of them. Some more than others, I’d say fdk and sub rogue are the biggest outliers in that department.

On FDK you can strictly only kill something during your one minute pillar windows. This forces them into a rather rogue like play style of doing their go and running for the hills, spamming chains until their next go. Their damage is so meaningless outside that window that they can only slow the enemy and kite for 1 minute. That’s not very fast either and is not how a Frost DK should play.

I mean how can I not get that impression, seems like something you’d genuinely believe.


Using the slow off hand is causing you energy Regen issues not low haste.

Never understood why people don’t grasp basic class and spec mechanics, you’re getting what maybe 500 extra damage on an offhand hit (already reduced) at the expense of less autos and energy for force slowing your auto reset? Also way less passive CP gen which is why you’re starved.

Also, per your example frost dk is linear, and is in fact the second to or the least effective melee spec in the game. Former dk main, plays at 2200 no voice in reg 3s last expac with random lfg players.

Sub and outlaw issues are raw tuning, simply put too many nerfs. The 7 combo point sub is the smoothest iteration of rogue I’ve ever played because you have a safety net on overcapping from random white hit attacks. Same with outlaw. Buff base damage if abilities and the specs are fine. Much like dk, rogue seems to be balanced for PvP by how it feels to play into instead of how it is to play which is flat wrong.

Assassination needs a tree rework. It’s not my favorite spec, that would be sub. However sub and outlaw trees make a hell of a lot more sense than assassination.


Are you stupid or stupid? In what world am I going to be utilizing shadow tech when I need to run for DRs? Can’t stand my ground like a warrior or lock would to utilize these slow-burn passives. Even if I am woooooooooooo another cp, what will I do with it while I wait for drs to come back up? Out dps my opponent with slice and rup? Litteral clueless players. Maybe in a bg I could mindlessly throw myself at my enemy without any regard, but in arena no. All you will end up doing is wasting your healers mana and CDs by trying to stay in a fight after your go (your stuns and cc chain), we are easily the most targeted class in solo shuffle and rated play.

Once more go down that list and look for someone who is using double dagger in PVP. Vers mastery offhand is more damage on finishers. I also love how I provide links and the most I get out of you guys is “NAH YOUR WRONG.”

That’s why I used that example, glad you realized that. Setting up and doing nothing until pillar is up is not how the class should play.

But yeah if you guys would rather play with smoke-and-mirrors builds so be it the class design is awful.

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