PSA: War bank will still eat your items

Bug report posted here. Warbank is eating items - #6 by Agrias-bloodsail-buccaneers

My latest update is that I’ve been testing the warbank with low level mats to see what’s up and IF they actually fixed it in the last patch (11.0.2).

Spoiler alert: it’s still busted.

Edit: 8/17 - CAUGHT IT!

Alrighty! On another forum-goers suggestion I recorded some gameplay video and I caught it in the act. I have a video to share for it too.

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Oh no… really?

Yes. At least for me. Maybe it’s my flavor of how I’m using it… or something. But it is eating items.

I’m just getting the message out so people know what’s up if they suspect an item is missing from their warbank.

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Interesting. This should be something they fix post haste.

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You would think so. I’ve been posting about it for awhile now but they have only been considering the unique / limited number items as far as I know.

Edit: this is my original post IIRC Warbank is eating items

The reason its making unique items “disappear” is because unlike a guild bank the warbank is being treated as an extension of the character currently logged on. Unique items there can only one instance of it active so the game destroys additional copies.

You can put multiple copies of unique items in a guild bank, but consider the warbank no different than your own bank.

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There is nothing unique in my warbank. It is all just reagents for crafting.

Honestly, I’m treating it like an account wide garbage dump that i may or may not retrieve old mats from in the years ahead, so I’m not super fussed at this stage lol

If youre losing reagents, are you crafting? Because one of the features of the warbank is to consume mats from the warbank like it does from your reagent or personal bank.

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No - the only thing I’m doing is Radiant Echo events.

I’m only in test-war-bank mode and farm for recruit’s armor sets.

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I thought I was having reagents disappear too. It turns out one of my characters is a little pot fiend and been drying, grinding and smoking all my plants. I’m going to slip some poison ivy in there and teach them a lesson.


I’ve only been putting the item level 480 Dalaran Defender’s pieces in my Warbank and none of them have been “eaten” yet.

Reminds me of the lady who kept stealing my lunch from the work fridge, but wouldnt admit it. One day I grinded up ghost chili peppers and mixed it in the dressing, she was super pissed!


just imagine how angry she must have been when it all passed.

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This issue is actually less about what I’m doing wrong and more about getting the word out. I know it eats items. I’ve got a little process that proves it - as suggested on the bug I’ll do a video this weekend to record it and hopefully catch it in the act.

Short story is - if you’re using war bank and you think something might be missing - there’s a good chance it is.

It’s astonishing that people think it’s okay to steal some one’s lunch out of the work fridge, especially to do it consistently.


Hey gang - I updated my bug report over here Warbank is eating items - #12 by Agrias-bloodsail-buccaneers with a little video on how this happens. I can assure you the items are gone gone too - I just checked on my main rogue and :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Careful with the war bank. It’s got some issues and will eat some items.

This dose not bode well.
This is meant to be a flag ship feature of the game, not the bank specifically but the warband in general, and its still half broken.
With the rocky and unstable launch of the pre patch which is proabbly the worst i have seen in in my some 15years of playing this game. I dont think this launch is gonna go smooth.

The video linked by @Agrias clearly shows multiple items being deleted after a “Clean Up Warband Bank” function was used. Suggest not using this feature until Blizzard acknowledges and fixes this bug.

Edit: Per usual, the more people that independently report this same bug, the more likely it will get the devs’ attention for prioritizing a fix.


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