Warbank is eating items

I was wondering that too. I rarely sort my own reagent bank tbh. I’ll run through some permutations this weekend to see what might be the actual trigger here.

I really think it has something to do with realm hopping though.

Edit: 8/17

I unfortunately couldn’t catch it in the act, but of course it did it again. I was playing my Horde mage on Uldaman through to 70 doing the echoes… didn’t notice anything missing. Logged into my Alliance rogue on Gnomeregan - boom - 3 things missing.

These weren’t that important but the concern remains. The war bank will eat your items. I even tried recording a session Thursday evening but nothing went missing no matter how much I used it.

Hey Blizzard, do you think this might happen when the war bank sees more use across players? I think you have a problem but I can only tell you what is happening to me. Others may not be so astute in what’s stored in their war banks.

Edit: 8/17 - CAUGHT IT!

Alrighty! I caught it in the act. I have a video to share for it too :slightly_smiling_face:


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