PSA: Vanilla Scarlet Monastery Unlock, NO FOMO!

How do you actually get into the old instances once you have the scarlet key?

Travel to SM, accept and hand in the one quest, EDIT: it’s at the top of the stairs leading to SM click they keys and get the buff.

You have to travel there. Lot easier on Horde than Alliance!

Yea, youre going to have to add more detail. What quest? From where?

kill the HH get the scarlet key from him go out the instance to the tunnel that leads to the main hall from the outside entrance get the quest click on the keys go in the dungeons

I just want them to add these old dungeons in as classic timewalking dungeons or something now.

Click on the wickermen inside HH before starting

Seems like Kaivax confirmed its a bug as its intended to drop from the chest.

thats the problem no chest shows up in the boss room
its a one and done

It’s not considered an exploit then? Nice!

You can also apparently buy/sell the keys on the AH. I just got one in my pumpkin and was like… WTFizthis? :joy:

Do tell what toy I need and how I get it please.

Oh sorry for the late reply.

Is needed to unlock old Scholo.

Here’s the guide:

If you didn’t also know, this enables you to do a series of objectives to unlock a vendor in Naxx to be able to obtain T3.

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13k gold on AH if you want to buy it

is that Series of Objectives in that link you posted?

Here’s a more thorough link for the objectives, though you must unlock old scholo first before you can move any further.

This article will explain that and the rest.

Here’s the part to unlock the vendor in Naxx after completing the other parts.

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I just realised this rare can spawn in tw scholo - i was wondering what rare spawned that was mentioned by a player right after killing rattlegore - guess i missed out.

I still have my og trinket from Vanilla on this toon so i guess i can skip half of that chain.

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Giving you a heads up now : if you want the achievement “kicking the wick” you actually have to complete the initial quest “A ghostly message” (right outside stormwind gates) and completing it up to where it asks you to do the dungeon, as well as ensuring that you don’t die or lose the curses (doing it with all four curses increases the chance for better rewards I think?). I just tested this on two different toons… one didn’t do the initial quest… but survived the curses and did not get the achievement. The other one, I did the quest, then did the dungeon with the curses, survived and got the achievement. (sadly rng hates me and I got a cute mask for the reward yay) but there ya go if you wanted to know :smiley:

I feel this is incorrect.

I did it today on my warrior that has completed the quest, failed a mechanic due to being stuck on a fence and didnt get the achievement.

I then did it on a brand new dk that has not completed any quests, all curses and recieved the achievement.

The only way your statement is true is if the quest completion requirement is account wide.

Are you 100% certain you didnt fail the mechanics - getting 10 stacsk of the hp debuff for failing a mechanic counts as a fail.

Actually, this part is not true. I got the achievement on my Druid yesterday just by having all 4 curses active and not dying in the HH encounter. I hadn’t even been to SW to pick up the quest yet.

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Unless you didn’t get the key…on any of your toons