PSA: Vanilla Scarlet Monastery Unlock, NO FOMO!

Nope, you can queue straight in just like many of us have done

Yeah you need to complete hardmode. Click the big wicker statue at the entrance, accept all curses, and enjoy the achievement + key

Did it on both my mains, with the curses. No keys.

And you opened the pumpkins?

Yes, obviously.

A couple of questions.

Did you click accept on the popup confirmation window after interacting with the wickerman?

Did you receive the achievement?

Apparently, you can fail the mechanics and it fails the hard-mode achievement.

Yes, and yes.

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Don’t know what to tell you. This has looked to be a 100% drop rate for successful HM completion. I guess search your bags for Scarlet or something in case it’s buried somewhere and you looted it without realizing or expecting it.

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My bags are OCD clean. No key. On either alt.

The Scarlet Key can be tradable too and sold on the AH. So if you have friends that have multiple copies then they can give it to you.

I wosh thwy would bring back the Joseph the Awakened quests that were removed in MoP that went with the Scarlet Monastery dungeons.

Time to bring back the deviate scale leatherworking pattern quest from wailing caverns.

Don’t those drop in bags now?

I looked over in the Bug Reports and didn’t find any posts.

I would definitely post here

Be sure to include any information you feel pertinent, like the fact you received the achievement.

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Im gonna wait and see if resets fix it and try again.

I just checked and this toon deff has the achievement.

Must have bugged out, or isnt 100% drop chance. ( unno if correct but wowhead shows 8% drop rate for it )

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What bags? There is a small bag that has always dropped from the first boss, but it’s a bag that would be useful, I guess, to someone who needs a bag.

No apologies needed. I already have the toy so woot woot for trans mog and nostalgia runs!!

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I only got to run 4 characters last night. All 4 got the achievement but only 1 got the key. So unless they fixed it from last night, not a 100% drop.

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wowhead is showing 8% drop rate. ( though that could be wrong )

Since it’s an account-wide unlock, the key will only drop once on your account. Did you get it on your first run with the achievement?

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It has to be, it also tracks alts and some could be running without the curses.