PSA: Vanilla Scarlet Monastery Unlock, NO FOMO!

How do you do hard mode?

Just an FYI the chest did not appear when running a second time.

Talk to the wickers at the start, choose any number of the 4 curses.

Did you reset the instance? Might also be the case if you still have the key in your bag because it’s unique.

Yup killed bosses again


Thank you for the info

Weird I’m no longer seeing the chest either.

I’m going to try on another character.

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Yup none in my bags this time, same thing. I think it’s a once-per-toon thing. Quest 77213 completes as soon as you loot it.

Ya on other characters I no longer see the chest either. I wonder if this is a bug or a hotfix.

Wouldn’t be shocked if they removed the chest or that completed quest removes it from future runs.

Trying it on another alt myself now.

Which would be a shame because it means the unlock will be FOMO, I do hope it is re-added (maybe even in the MoP SM version).

This gives me hope that we’ll soon see a vanilla timewalk.

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Ran on another alt. No chest.

I’m just going to hold onto the ones I have until the event is over…for reasons…

I wonder if you took a friend through that hasn’t done the quest, if they could see it.

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Yeah, somoene who hasn’t done it yet will be a good indicator to determine if it’s a once-per-account thing or a “whoops sorry we forgot to remove that” thing.

The reason I was thinking that is the way they did the unlock for the old Scholo with the toy. As long as someone in your group has the toy.

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You have to have the The Scarlet Key buff.

Oh hmm, so they can’t walk in with you? Was hoping the buff would extend to party members.

Where are the wickers? I dont even see them around the entrance.

it is a bug ran it on my dk have key and no chest on my warrior

on the left in the grassy area as soon as you enter. 4 small, one large.