PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

I’m not sure of the point of belaboring the issue. No one is going to debate that Night Elves died at Teldrassil save for the conspiracy wonks in Westfall.

I’m glad you acknowledge that the NPCs mattered to some people then, Banuka. Though that’s obviously a given, or Blizzard wouldn’t have put these quests into the game in the first place.


Of course. It’s difficult to discuss Teldrassil without it somehow turning into a fight. I’ll take some responsibility for my malicious wording. But to be clear, I’m glad that members of this community find things in game like those NPC’s that make them happy. I don’t think many people here genuinely want others to have a bad experience with the game and lore, we all at least want to enjoy it, but BfA lead to a lot of polarized thinking.


Pulling this over here because I would rather not engage Kyalin, but suddenly these NPCs do matter:

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Don’t blame you. :rofl:
