PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

You do like to overlook context, don’t you? If you’re so hung up on Saurfang that you want to complain about it in any unrelated thread you can you should take your own advice.

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This already did happen, though, with how the quests in the original post I made in this thread are hidden away behind a rare Calling quest, most Night Fae players will already have done the Daughter of the Night Warrior quests before having see quests linked above.

Narratively it probably would have made the most sense if there was a build up of Night Elf souls saved.

Starting with three at a time:

Then to eight at a time:

Then to more than would be practical to try to count:


Why is Thrall wanting to get to know his actual parents a bad thing? Usually those sorts of things affect children when they grow up, and it would be a good resolution for him to meet his actual mother who gave birth and died for him. It’s also something that could serve as a catalyst for him to move past all of his negative character traits he’s accrued throughout the story after wc3 and wrath.


I can only speak personally but I don’t like that hook because we just got it in WoD. I get that it was different because it was his AU parents and this Drakka is the spirit of his real mother. I also get that Thrall would probably really appreciate saying hi to her, I don’t know why he didn’t when he had the chance, but that’s on him. From a viewers standpoint though it’s a little old seeing him address his parent issues again but this time with his MU mom.


It would at this point be him actually coming to terms with his actual mother, I just want someone to get him out of his whole **I feel guilty about everything ** bs, I just want an actual return of Thrall from wc3 not Go’el.


Because when it is the focus of his story, it dominates it in its entirety. And when it comes to Thrall, who refused to be a part of the Horde in WoD and is only part of it now because he feels guilted into it in SLs … there are massive character deficits that need to be addressed. Unless Blizz’s intention is in fact to have him serve as just another source of shame for the Horde playerbase. Which they might honestly…

And you are right, there is an opportunity here with Draka for her to help Thrall actually make that new statue of his a tangible reality. Perhaps not the Warchief part, but certainly that perfect thematic mix of all his incarnations. But, like I said, the risk is there that with both Draka and Garrosh on the field at the same time … we could see the return of WoD Thrall. IMO, the single worst iteration of him to ever exist. Where his entire arc was sort of him creepily sniffing the hair of his AU parents. It was weird.

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Eh it’s not weird if you think about it in the context of a child wishing to know the parents he never got to see, even if they aren’t his actual parents. But I can understand where you’re coming from, but his actual mother is a warrior through and through and would probably kick him into shape. And besides after the shadowlands he can’t keep hanging out with his mother once everything’s fixed.


This was my original comment that you took offense to:

As you can see, no complaints. Merely addressing the fact that the characters in question did not drive the story.

Nothing in their about how much players care about the characters, only how they how much they move (or, in this case, don’t move) the plot/story.

This your response (reduced), where the butthurt starts:

I responded again and, once again, did not mention anything about caring about the characters, only their relevance to diving the plot/narrative/story.

Here’s your response after that:

You were the first person to bring up caring about stuff and, actually, accused me of only being superficially engaged with the story because I see that the town NPCs (and not just Night elf NPCs) don’t actually drive the narrative/plot/story. A fact you have yet to refute with your emotional responses.

You keep flailing after that.

Again, I make no apologies about thinking that the mail armor vendor in Darnassus isn’t as significant storywise as a character like Tyrande. But nothing you post can illustrate how that view is incorrect. Because those characters do not move the story like the big characters. Whether you care about them or not is irrelevant to that fact.



They aren’t significant to the story at all. End of story. Have a emotional attachment to a particular NPC? Great, nobody cares about that. Just don’t sit here and claim those same NPCs played a huge role in the story(which I think he also claimed)

I wouldn’t let it bother you too much Gant.


The raving Night Elf fanboys see that but they can’t argue it, so they rely on fallacies to make it seem like they have an argument to begin with.

To be clear and why I put “raving” in bold, I understand that their is a nonvocal group of sensible Night Elf fans and I didn’t want to include them in that.


Here’s the part that’s aggravating the living hell out me. Going on 3 yrs now, we been dealing with a barrage of posts on how the Kaldorei are the eternal victims, but you bring up the other legitimate problems that the other races and fans of those suffer from?

Suddenly it’s I’M TIRED OF TALKING ABOUT WHO HAS IT WORSE!!! REEEEE!!! JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!! It’s fine when THEY do it, but no one else


I feel like they’ve got lost in the sauce. Amadis used to be one of the more logical fans a couple years ago before I left. Now his posts are indiscernible from any other Night Elf loon’s.


I wouldn’t put Amadis in the same category as the NEFPA, myself. At least he is coherent.


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Why do you pay attention to those posts if you find that aggravating?


You can be coherent and still come off as being crazy, especially with the overreaction over Darnassus NPCs being irrelevant to the story


Because when the forum is being bombarded with the same complaints over and over again, they’re kind of hard to ignore. So it’s why I remind them the NEFPAs they don’t have it the worst

So you feel the need to come in to a post that you know you’re not going to like to tell other people to can it because someone else has it worse supposedly? while you could make your own discussion about the worgen/whatever and how bad they have it?


I feel like that’s important otherwise it would just be an echo chamber. Plus, these are open forums so this is absolutely the place for that.


This thread feels like it’s gotten uncomfortable with the dogpiling against Amadis though, given that it’s his own thread to talk about something he cared about in the first place.

I might not agree with the sentiment that the listed characters were important to the story but it feels pretty ick to look down at someone for caring about minor characters. I remember feeling bad during WotLK when I was doing Dragonblight(?) and had to bring a letter back to Orgrimmar to tell the mage trainer I primarily used to learn almost all of my spells that her brother was dead.


And yet you can’t actually tell what I find aggravating:

You are superficially engaged with the story. I would correct your misinformation if I had it on hand whether you made incorrect statements about any NPC, be they Night Elves, Trolls, Goblins, Orcs, Gnomes, or any other race.

And you are factually wrong, given that these very quests were made, these NPCs are in fact moving the story along.

But please, continue on with your schoolyard snickering that you seem to find amusement in thinking you’re so clever for, when in actuality you contribute almost as little as Finninbas does.

I did not say huge role. I said they played the role they did.

That’s rich coming from you Gilnean superfan.

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