PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

No, but by in large there is a trend that longer lived races inherently hold more value than those that are shorter lived. Because being able to squander 10k years at a time somehow gives your life more meaning. Also, never underestimate being the chosen people of Deity-esk beings. Elune, by playing favorites, has inherently made a statement that NE lives far outvalue those races she didn’t make her Trust-Fund Kids. That should account for something.

EDIT: In short, the value of one’s soul and life is heavily defined by how privilaged you are at birth.

If that were the case, why doesn’t she save them herself?

Apparently she has issues reaching into the SLs. Who knows what her powers are? Not even the NE players seem to. All they know is that she has to be above even an Eternal on the totem pole, otherwise the NEs being the “favorite children” of JUST an Eternal-tier being wouldn’t be special enough.

Just looked at the Quest Text and it says nothing about how many Souls go into the Soulkeeper Crystal…

Renown is not a physical object but a sign of respect by the Covenants. The Covenants will only accept a certain number of Souls at the level of trust they give you otherwise the Soulkeeper just takes the Souls into itself without them going towards the Covenant’s Quota.

The Quests treat the Souls gathered being ones that match the Covenant’s type which indicates that Players of higher Renown are better at finding the right type of Souls than those of lower Renown so the Ysera Quests naturally are Souls of the type chosen by Ysera which are the Night Elf Souls which are easy for Players since they know who the Night Elves are unlike random Souls.

The reason is pretty easy. If elune would intervene, why wouldn’t we needed? I mean, it seems in this universe exist a bunch of ubergods, who did nothing. Even without elune being a first one, where are they?

“The legion threat the whole universe”; naaa, not my beer

“All souls stucks in the maw and suffer?” Not my problem.

I mean, what the hack are the first ones doing?

I’m not sure if it has anything to do with you shepherding the souls into the right covenant (because that leaves a very unfortunate undertone that you’d be leaving people to suffer in the maw solely because you don’t think they’d be a right fit for your preferred covenant’s afterlife) but you’re not actually limited to 5/10/15(?) souls at a time; that’s just a gameplay thing. You can continue to rescue souls from the maw outside of that cap whenever you wish, and in fact that’s what you’re doing in Torghast as well. Your pokeball’s probably just emptied off-screen whenever you leave.

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No you dont understand, as i explained on that block of writing this is also a problem for me.

There should be a bunch of goblins and orcs (the bulk of your forces and manual labor?) rotting in the maw however the story frames it so poorly that it only looks like the nelf souls are suffering because its not shown properly, i havent seen a horde character lamenting all that, only more night elf angst and because of that when i save the bunch of night elf souls i got no frame of reference for the job im doing, you guys should be jumping trough hoops to save the horde souls that went to that hell hole and wracking your brains where to put them however blizzard doesnt adress that so im here thinking only the nelves are suffering, AGAIN, of course im not going to feel what im doing is meaningful.

My point is… all this attention is horribly framed and its not on my best interest that thrall isnt sending you to save orc souls and putting them on the other side on a hard, with great losses but heroic mission.


You genuinely think Blizz cares enough about the Horde to even consider that? We were just taken for a joyride to let Sylvanas settup SLs, with little more than the barest band-aids on what to do with us after. We are a plot device they use to settup future villains and future expansions, not a story Faction meant to be built up and bolstered. Something to ignore when not taken being used as a tool and discarded. There is no way in hell Blizz would be considerate enough to let us rescue Horde souls from the Maw.

EDIT: Besides, with how Blizz has written the Horde. Each and every member of every Horde race is evil by birth. We’re a faction comprised of races and cultures that should not exist. Thus, we all belong in the Maw.

Well youre welcome to have your own opinion on bfa.

This is the part where i point to teldrassil and the saurfang cinematics and mention my own concerns with that storyline but let me just say im not a fan of this taking turns nonsense and leave it at that since i dont want this to devolve to a pity party.

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and yet night elf players still whine and pretend that nothing is being done for them , while worst things happened to legit every other races and blizz always gave us a big middle finger and a deal with it attitude


Sad Pupper noises :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

But honestly, don’t let the night elf fans here that. Some will flat out hand wave away any concerns that’s not Purple Elf Problems, most which are vastly overblown, but that’s me.


Woo here comes Droite with the daily “we got it worse” post, disguised as a “Yay cheers for you night elves” post.

My my, a couple of those dead night elves get out of the Maw after melting to death in their homes and suffering for a while in the Maw, how lucky they are! Who cares that several others were tortured into oblivion? No this is a good thing, look right here with your microscopes, kids!


One assumes it’s emptied when for all we know it could be holding onto the Souls that are deemed of no use to the Covenants until the Expansion is finished!

Stares at ALL the souls, horde and alliance being tortured in the Maw

But sure, the kaldorei have it the worse. Must always have it the absolute worse

Don’t say I didn’t call it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I won’t dare speak for any other NE player but so far I’m happy about these quests. I’m finally being able to actively save my race from eternal torment.
I’m questing with Ysera and Shandris. Tyrande is out there soloing the maw like the jailer’s army ar a buch of critters and my sactum is beautiful forest with a perpetual starry night sky. I’m living the dream.

I also think that the ability to save more souls from the maw bypassing its limitation is because of Tyrande/Elune. When we ventured to Torghast to save the first wave of NE souls, Shandris says something about how it seemed as if Tyrande’s touch is allowing our soulkeeper to save those night elves.

That being said I’m just gonna enjoy it while it last because lets be honest… when it comes to Night Elves our fun doesn’t last long =(

As a closing thought… I can’t wait to quest with Loa’jin!


All I say is, at least you get to have fun shrug


Projecting much?

The one here with a problem is you yourself, upset that NPCs that others care about get more attention that the ones you care about.

I could not care any more that you don’t care about Night Elf NPCs than you could about anyone not caring about Saurfang.

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My original post was “I’m glad you’re getting something”. Because genuinely, I am glad that NE souls are being released and I do hope that there will be a time were they are retrieved at a more sizable scale. I just don’t expect that in 9.0 in any form, and I would assume with how bare bones the Maw really is we might see something more substantive in future installments.

We are talking about an entire apparent Universe’s source of souls plunged into this place all at once. I would wager cherry picking the souls of a single race from that mass is easier said then done; even for someone as in tune with them as Ysera. I would also wager that they aren’t all being kept in big convenient groups in the same place, and are kind of intermixed with who knows what other souls. In short, expect more of this and hope for more. I just don’t expect even that much effort for Horde souls.


If you say so…

So… you do care?

You seem a bit upset. Maybe take a break?


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I think its more of a luxury thing right?

Thrall probably will get some form of Arc. If we’re unlucky “Dead Parent Stalker” Thrall will be what amounts from that. Vol’jin is getting some sort of arc. If we’re unlucky, he’ll be “Put on the Bus” and we’ll get no resolution from his absurdly gaited storyline in SLs. “Vol’jin” might even cease to exist when it does. Baine has no existing story hooks atm. So, our “Heart and Best of the Horde” waiting around devoting all his time to fixating on the Alliance High King … is a harsh probability to swallow.

So, while there is nothing wrong with caring about these Named NE NPCs, with how decimated, underdeveloped, underused, and underpowered the remaining Horde MAIN cast is … its hard not to think of that care as a bit of a luxury. BUT, saving them is not a bad thing!