PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

Based on what you wrote out later on your post I’d have to disagree, but you do you.


Ignorance of Night Elf “lore”, if you want to call the few quests you get from class trainers lore. But, again, you do you.

So… literally written to die?

Look, I’m not doubting that you, of all posters, could rattle off the names of these (very) minor NPCs. But NOTHING in the story would be different if these NPCs had been removed sooner.

TBC would be no different
Wrath would be no different
Cata would be no different

It’s one of the reasons Horde dislike their treatment in Legion. You could have completely removed the Horde from the story and it really would not have changed.



If you don’t think Brill is factually important than please go ahead and make an actual pedantic post about that instead of a pretend one about semantics. Or better yet, go ahead and link the definition of factually. Or is it that you would rather give what you personally define factually to mean that you think everyone else should agree on?

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I don’t think you know what generalizing means.

Yes, that is lore. If you want to ignore the story given to us in the game while on the Story Forum, as you said, you do you.

Like all the raid bosses that were introduced only to be killed off? See this point below:

Only caring about is the synopsis points of each expansion is the most shallow interpretation of the story you can have, and at best only perhaps one step above people who don’t care about the story at all like many of the people on the General Forums.

By your logic, Horde should still be complaining about Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King as well - and Cataclysm, too, if it wasn’t for Thrall at the very end of the expansion - by your myopic view of the story, as removing the Horde from any of those and what you consider to be the “story” of any those expansions wouldn’t have changed, either.


If you say so…


Uh… they have complained about those expansions. Or at least, the outcomes of certain story beats.

I mean, is it really that upsetting that there are players who think the random NPCs of Darnassus aren’t a big deal?



Nowhere did I say that you had to care about the NPCs nor that I am upset that you don’t. What I did was correct the misinformation you had stated about who the NPCs were and the parts of the story they played.



If you say so…



Weird how the go to for not obsessing over insignificant side characters is “you basically don’t care about the story” or “the story isn’t written for you”.


Then shouldn’t people not care about Taurjo, or the purge, or the orc npcs that died during the siege?


Not weird at all when Gantrithor only cares about the SparkNotes version of the story.

Amusingly players, Alliance side included, could save Orgrimmar’s Auctioneers during the Siege of Orgrimmar.

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I don’t see anyone obsessing over anything? People care about all kind of aspects of the story, including side characters. And this thread was obviously made for those who care.
These NPC’s may be completely insignificant to you or me, but they meant something to others. That’s not unreasonable at all.


That’s a fine strawman you made there but I never said people shouldn’t obsess over insignificant side characters.

Sorry he doesn’t care about these dead nobodies? :man_shrugging:

The fallacies keep coming. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and reiterate: it’s weird that people make hasty assumptions that other people posting on the story forums aren’t interested in the lore because they find these insignificant side characters unimportant.


tldr: Everyone else is suffering except the nelf souls we just saved, however blizzard framed this badly.

Ill expand on my previous comment, for a while i really wondered what theyre trying to make me feel here cuz i got nothing.

We save a couple of nelf souls then we send them to their “righteous afterlife” ok thats standard heroic stuff.

Ill admit i feel more empathetic towards the random renown quest that asks you to save 10 souls than saving the night elves from the maw, even the quest where you help tyrande i felt i didnt do squat, “great we saved them but also obliterated quite a bunch of souls”.

Its weird when i heard we were saving nelf souls from the maw i was kinda looking forward to the idea but then i get told nope you have to kill them to save them.

Then i get this quest, reminding me of all that crap and teldrassil all over again, theyre basically a reminder all the times the nelves were beaten over and i wont get the revenge i want because blizzard cant delete one faction of the game.

Yea nah screw that noise, i dont enjoy this quest id rather go kill denathrius since he is one of the masterminds of this mess, the one with tyrande was fine because it wasnt just trying to give you pity, this one feels like theyre trying to give me the feels but nope get that pathos crap out of here, if its not revenge i dont want it.

I have been mulling over this for a while and i think this is a problem of framing, the maw is a realm of suffering, all the souls of the war are suffering down there, we should feel heroic while saving them, if we’re giving special attention to night elf souls it means they were a considerable amount and it wouldnt be farfetched to compare that body count with the rest of the entire war, why do i say this? because then we should also point out all the other souls that are rotting down there being destroyed without hope, their live allies unable to save them and we dont actually SEE that we only see maybe a random orc or tauren, gnome or human but not framed on the narrative as a great loss there needs to be a suitable FOIL to what im doing and random faceless souls dont do, the saving im doing SHOULD matter.

Why do i get to destroy night elf souls front and center if this is supposed to be my moment? why poison my “WIN” with that caveat? its not even against the horde.


The only souls we see suffering are actually just a faceless soul model and that makes for a poor substitute, WE suffered greatly in the war WITHOUT a meaningful resolution, WE should have the right to save every night elf soul that we werent able to save on that cursed teldrassil quest without fail.

Screw blizzard and their phyrric victories.


Yeah, you’re upset.

Though I make no apologies about not caring about insignificant night elf NPCs. I also don’t care about the Forsaken civilian NPCs that were killed by SI:7 agents during the SoL. Next to the atrocious handling of Saurfang (and a bunch of other BfA stuff) they don’t matter. If that bothers you, which you’re posts indicate it does, that’s a you problem.



Hey, I’m glad you guys get at least something flavorful to rescue some NE souls.

I really doubt the Horde will even get to save Saurfang from the Maw, so I guess I’ll just live vicariously through the NEs on this subject. :smiley:


However, this rescue - as already described - does not really feel good. Because even when you hand in the quest, you learn.

“Hey, most of teldrassil’s victims are still there and suffer.” as if NE were by far the largest number currently in the Maw.

describes its perfectly

Granted, Saurfang may not deserve the Maw, but Revendreth

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Yeah, now that Karserd brings it up, making a weekly out of it does seem kinda tacky because the nature of those quests will passively imply that you’ll never be finished rescuing night elves. At least not until the expansion is over with the hypothetical promise that everyone across the entire universe is simultaneously freed.


Admittedly it does come across as sort of weird that a repeatable (almost indefinitely so for as long as the associated Covenant Daily is up and you don’t drive up the Eye of the Jailer to Tier 5) soul-saving quest effectively undoes the game mechanic-justifying plot point that prevents us from just mass-rescuing souls of every stripe the whole time we’re in the Shadowlands.

They impress upon us that our Soulkeeper crystal is limited in its ability to collect souls, something that can only be gradually expanded as our Renown goes up, yet apparently that restriction is just arbitrarily no longer in place for three days when it comes to souls of a specific race because Ysera had a dream?

I’ve got no problem with saving NE souls, but…shouldn’t that not be possible? If we could just arbitrarily go grab more souls (including those of night elves) in spite of our Soulkeeper capping out, then wouldn’t we - and any Maw Walkers aiding the other Covenants - already be doing so irrespective of whether we got a special mission for it?

As it stands we technically shouldn’t be able to rescue any more souls from the Maw once we’ve done the weekly Soulkeeper quest, night elf or otherwise.

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Yup. Only Night elf souls matter. Because reasons. :coffee:



the quest told you btw…“most of them are still there”, so yeah, you rescue some souls…but you will never done with it.

At least I am an egalitarian savior during my weekly Torghast vacations.

Except for the first few runs where I seemed to rescue a weirdly high number of worgen women over any other race. Feels like I’ve got my own ghost kennel tucked away by now.