PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

I’m not sure downplaying the importance of a city in the eyes of players is really the best idea. It makes the writers think that those cities are disposable and able to be used for cheap shock tactics. It was in game for over a decade, for many people it was their first introduction to the larger world, and I’m willing to bet a large portion can still remember the music coming to the fore as you finished the walk from Dolanaar to Darnassus proper.

If we dismiss it as ‘not many people actually cared’ then any capital is on the chopping block for when the writers want their fill of shock and awe.


I see where you’re coming from but I still feel the majority of players don’t care very much if at all. I can relate to the first part of your paragraph. UC was my first introduction to a capitol city and have many fond memories there from when I started playing. That said, I’m not all that hurt by its loss because its importance came from nostalgia.

I’m not disagreeing that Undead and Night Elf RPers are more effected than the average player, I just doubt that the majority of players even remembers those cities are gone most of time.


Somewhat of a catch-22 there, however. Players who would forget those cities are gone would by and large not care about the story anyway, ergo they’re not really the people Blizzard writes the story for. People who focus on the story even vaguely enough to know the lore and what’s happening are who Blizzard writes for, and thus would be far more likely to be impacted.


Not sure where you’re seeing a contradiction in that statement. Again, my original statement wasn’t claiming that people invested in the Night Elf’s story aren’t bothered by losing Darnasus, they obviously are and have been raving about it for the past 2-3 years, it said that those players are a small minority of the over all player base.

I would actually argue against this logic. If Blizzard believes not many people actually cared that Darnasus was burnt down, then they wouldn’t look to repeat that if their goal is shock value. I think, given Tyrande’s current story, Blizzard realizes that people do care and that it was a huge success.


You didn’t. A male human Paladin did.



If we’re making sweeping generalizations now, its shocking that Blizzard didn’t just destroy Goldshire. The only people who liked that place was obviously a tiny minority of degenerates anyways.


None of the named NPCs rescued in the first two quests were auctioneers, and most of them are factually important and contributed to Warcraft’s story in their own way, shapes, and forms. It is misidentifying them as auctioneers that only shows an ignorance of their lore that can easily be looked up, and in intentional desire to not discuss the story by not doing so.

Jandria was the least significant, being a Priest Trainer in the game, but lot playing a larger role in the story beyond being one on the priests that would not abandon the Temple of Elune during the burning of Teldrassil.

Astarii Starseeker was also a Priest Trainer, but she played a part in a questline as far back as Classic where a Night Elf soul that had joined the Twilight’s Hammer sought forgiveness and salvation from Elune and was granted it, and in addition to that Astarii Starseeker lead the Priestesses of the Moon in the defense against the Horde in the War of the Thorns.

Denalan was perhaps one of the most interesting characters on Teldrassil, having been involved in unusual quests about how plant life grew on top of the tree, which back in Classic established a sense of mystery involving the giant tree, not just in investigating the corruption that affected it by researching the plant life on there, but also how plants from as far as the other side of the planet such as from the Swamp of Sorrows had come to grow on Teldrassil. Quests that survived through the Cataclysm revamp and helped flesh out Teldrassil’s questing experience.

Ferryn was previously only a character found in the Elegy and A Good War novels, and while notably Delaryn’s love, he was also responsible for organizing the efforts during the War of the Thorns that held the Horde back at the Falfarren River until Malfurion could arrive. Unfortunately Ferryn saw an opportunity to attack Saurfang and took it in hopes of ending the war there without Saurfang’s leadership, but Saurfang saw Ferryn’s attack and countered, killing Ferryn.

Anaris Windwood likewise was previously only a character found in the Elegy and A Good War novels, but was important in that she had been the leader that retook Silverwind Refuge from the Horde after the Alliance player had crippled the Horde’s hold there in the Ashenvale Cataclysm questing, being a rare instance where “You’ve done enough <class>, we’ll take care of the rest from here” style questing was actually followed up, even if it was only mentioned years later in a novel.

And Ilthalaine is the first character a Night Elf player meets when starting a new character on Teldrassil, which story wise is rather significant in sending the player on their first steps towards everything else they would accomplish in the lore.


We’ve already seen night elf npcs.

I’m convinced blizzard did it because people cared about it. They probably underestimated both factions hating it.

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I’m still wondering what they were thinking with BfA. It seems like the only people who would enjoy it are Sylvanas simps.


Anduin simps.


Do those exist?

Since there is a portal to Azeroth I’m sure the Spirits from Teldrassil will not have a problem getting enough coppers to get to Oribos then use the nearest Portal to get to Stormwind!

The Night Elves will get to see Sparkly Twilight Spirits of their long lost friends walking among them once more!

Short answer yes.

Longer answer, check social media or even the general forums.


Dude, I don’t think any of these NPCs had more than like, three quests. It’s fine if you’re sentimental about them, I’m sentimental about the loss of Brill off-screen in the same way. But claiming theyre “factually important to the warcraft story” is just hilariously incorrect.


Ah, but where’s the snark in that?

Oh, but Arlifex, it’s the NAMES that matter. You see, without names, there is no hint of anyone actually dying. And one NPC doesn’t count. Never mind that most of those NPCs will never be interacted with again, or quested for, or they will no longer play their roles in the world…

Yep, Gantrithor, we were All talking about those auctioneers. They were the ones who gave us quests, who were guarding Dolanaar, and they were the ones telling us about the history of Teldrassil.

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Don’t you dare sick them on my skeezy Hamlet, Goldshire is the only culture Stormwind has!!


Sacrifices must be made. . . . Death comes for the soul of Goldshire.

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that explains so much, i mean, why is stormwind the most powerfull alliance power, because they produce in every second 100586795674 childrens in goldshire.