PSA Korrak's Revenge BEST EXP IN THE GAME!

They said the pre shadowlands invasion events were going to be fast leveling. Appears blizzard is okay with fast leveling again…


At level 80 got 6 levels in 1 Av win
But Ave is 2-3 levels after 80

Thanks for the tip I have some Alliance goons I need to level for fast queue anyway.

My rogue went from 106 to 114 last night in 2 AVs. Just winning a round seems to give a full level of xp!

Threads like this are how things get nerfed to the ground. I’ve never understood why people do this.

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I wonder if anyone knows how exp is given. I see 20k exp it pop up on my screen randomly

I got 2 levels from 100-102 took maybe an hour or so for the match

THIS…i got 1 lvl at 51-52 and 3 lvls from 110-113…too weird. Don’t lvl here if you’re under 60??

At that level, yes, it’s pretty great. Played on my 111 lock last night and in two games got 4 levels.

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It is indeed, power leveling at its best but it feels bad when you killed Korrak in the AoA 10 years ago and can’t go do now to complete the quest.

hmmm, I got a few 11X that I needed to level up.

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Then you realize that you have to grind WQ for 1-2 months to be relevant in current content.

Hopefully not. I’m hoping to get my 8 other 110+'s to max before the event ends.

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Apparently they’re intentionally moving in that direction given the tone of Blizzcon. Not only is the squish bringing us 1-60 again, but they said it would be about 65% faster to level to max.

They know people want to get to cap, and that’s where most of the grinds are anyway, so there’s really no sense in making leveling a slog. Think about it from a business perspective. Slow leveling makes new players get bored and quit. Quick leveling sucks them in and they get to end game content. It’s a good move for them, and for us.

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Or be like me…

And that was like, 3 months ago. Lol.


She’s a maniac! Maaaaniac! on the floor!

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Just curious what give the xp exactly? Is is the turn in quests? just from kills? Or can you do anything?

Working on my void elf. 60 to 81 in id say 12 hours. It would be quicker if we all raced to our objectives and the games finished quickly but people want to fight it out for hours at snowfall.

Kills, I was getting ~16k on my 112 mage on the way to almost 116. 687 kills in one BG, so on kills alone: ~10,992,000

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XP/minute automatically for “participating”, nothing gives said XP that you can do, not kills either. Do whatever you want in the bg, you will be rewarded the longer it goes on.

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