PSA: Kiting as a tank is necessary in m+

Obviously, but in dungeons the pace and number of actions in a given time span have continually ramped up over time, gradually pushing it from one end of the spectrum to the other. It’s now leaning much more heavily in the action direction than when the game started, save for maybe PvP where every second has always counted (though PvP has the tradeoff of players not dropping lethal puddles of bad everywhere).

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Tanks were kiting in BfA too.

They’ve actually gone down since the MoP days.

I’m looking at it right now, and no you’re not. You can literally see talents on every run.

2nd row you use Crusader’s judgement, go first avenger.
5th row I’d recomment divine purpose, holy avenger has high cd and does little overall.
6th row you want consecrated ground for easy kiting and bigger radius on consecration, hand of protector is ok for healing others, but not necessary most of the time.
7th row Final stand is kinda crucial imo, not only does it remove debuffs when you bubble, but aoe taunts everything for 8s, it’s huge in m+

Here’s a list of all the games that the tanks job is to run away.

I hoped you enjoyed my comprehensive list.


Maybe in challenge modes, but normal and heroic dungeons (e.g. what the overwhelming majority of players did) didn’t suffer that issue.

They did this same nonsense when they made every tank an active mitigation tank. Now every tank is a kiting tank, too.

Maybe some of us like being the “immovable object” style of tanking. Maybe some of like getting 102.4% avoidance and having that be how we “survive”.

Idk. Maybe I’m old. I still tank, but it’s not as fun as it used to be.


I’d agree w/ you most except this. Having double judgment means you get 2 HoPo out of it. Which means more uptime to have your sotr up. 1st avenger might be strong but you lose mitigation over it. If you want dps then just go seraphim.

You reaaally want first avenger, protection paladin has insane aoe, and every bit of dmg helps in m+.
Not to mention conduit gives +4% holy dmg for each target hit by avenger’s shield.

It’s also why I run Bulwark legendary, dishes out way more damage than avenger’s shield reset one.

Without avenger’s shield talent, on high keys (13-16) you might struggle to keep aggro against fire mages bursting 20-40k aoe with their combustion.
Especially when he doesnt take final stand which is aoe taunt you want in such scenarios.

Retri paladins also dish out great aoe with divine storm legendary, so if you pull more than 3 mobs, which you should be nearly all the time, you’ll only be damaging 3 mobs. That’s terrible.

But I like it when it hurts :frowning:

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Take a look at when I’ve run those dungeons. I’ve run three dungeons this week a few times. So to begin with, some of what you’re looking at is tyrannical. Also, one of those dungeons I did this week was a double tank comp to mess around with. Furthermore, my current raider io talents are what I last logged in. Not what I did M+ with. Because you decided to assume some things on me based off incomplete data.

Instead you could has asked what talents I run and gone from there. Instead you assumed what I ran, then tried to call me out on it when I got annoyed some stranger on the internet decided he knows more about what I run then I do.

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Okay, what talents do you run with?
Raiderio shows only those for all listed runs you did.

You’re right that I run holy avengers and sometimes righteous protector for fortified. Completely wrong about hand of the protector and crusaders judgement for fortified weeks. I tend to change righteous protector for final stand depending on the dungeon specifically.
But at this point I don’t really feel like going any farther with a conversation. It would have been so much easier and nicer to ask what talents I run and why instead of looking up a single piece of data that you didn’t use correctly and using that as your basis.

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This is exactly why Blood DK is trash in M+, the content designers & class designers need to speak to each other more.


I love how M+ is effectively destroying the trinity. Have fun playing Guild Wars of Worldcraft.

Healers dpsing, tanks kiting. Ridiculous

Flame on!


Time to add Duelist and have it be a tank spec!

Hell, i’d play it. 4 spec rogues would create a hilarious firestorm, but i’d play it.

If this is the case then blizzard should really balance all tank classes around kiting…


Well, yes, this week it’s more necessary than most! :slight_smile:

Tanking is mechanically exactly the same. BFA had mobs that would ruin your day if you tried to face tank them too.

The routes are worse because of Prideful though. Not only does it require weird pathing and oftentimes back tracking, but a single butt pull irreparably breaks your key a lot of the time. When it’s literally a better play to allow an unintentional pull to kill your whole team and run back, the seasonal affix is objectively stupid.

Yes, sometimes. Not ALL the time for the current meta.

You have to admit though, tanks do take more of a beating, in general. At least from the healing side, tank HP I find spending a lot more time in the danger zone.