PSA: Kiting as a tank is necessary in m+

Best tanking trinket in the game even at 60:

A massive pool of 60% snare that lasts 20s on 1min cd.

You wasted time fighting with a troll hiding behind a level 10 character who does not realize the raider io site takes a snapshot of your last used talent setup on the armory.

Not to this extent and at key levels within the highest rewards (+10/15). If I had to kite in a +20 or higher key or a key that was 5+ levels above the max reward I expected it. It’s fairly normal having to kite now even when you have gear thats higher item level than what drops in the 12-15 range.

As someone who hasn’t done higher than 10s, can someone explain why we’re kiting and not using CC, stuns and interrupts?


I hate the Kiting meta. It is just not what a tank should be. Now, obviously I have a design/role fantasy issue that the the game makers disagree with.

I am sad. I want to tank, not be a sissy running away from people who want to hurt me and my team. Oh well.

I feel for the melee dps who just want a good tank to position mobs so they can wail on em.


To clarify i’s not the tank you’re talking about when you say over geared. That literally doesn’t matter. They will still get oblittareted without kiting. What you mean by over geared is the DPS. Best the best strategy is to nuke stuff asap with cd’s before the tank has to start kiting. Because item level isn’t going to keep a tank up.

Mythic+ is currently over tuned. Keys are much harder than they were during BFA. Non meta comps are destined to fail. Not to mention 10’s and 12’s don’t even offer decent upgrades anymore for their difficulty level.

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The key word I used was effectively, for a tank to kite they need both burst aggro and the ability to move away from mobs (and preferably to slow mobs to maximise the effect of being away from those mobs) its the slowing component where the group comes in to help, hunter traps, monk ring, mage slows etc

VDH is in a good place because of the kyrian ability, their mobility and utility. I want to play havoc, but it is so ungodly awful right now its not worth it… I want to be in maldraxus but its so ungodly awful I was forced kyrian (from venthyr which I was for two weeks)… I dont want to kite when I tank I want to be a tank but M+ is so ungodly awful I have to kite… basically SL is a dumpster fire of design that I pray Ion gets replaced before the next xpac so we can take a chance on someone designing a game in response to what players want and not for what they want players to do.


While you are not wrong. It’s a really stupid way to design the “tank” role. Yet another reason tanks stop tanking.


I mean why should I sacrifice a decent prot leggo for the heroic leap leggo?
I have heroic leap and…that’s it. What else do I do once that hits cool down? Just run and hope for the best?

So much for the past enjoyment of being a literal physical damage bulwark, that class fantasy is out the window. Good reason why I am largely DPSing in this expac, something I’ve not done since Molten Core was current content.

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Paladin tanks can also slow with consecrate provided they talent for it. The only scary thing about kiting is hoping that the DPS are providing interrupts so that the spellcasters don’t wreck me on my way out. After all, if I’m not getting melee’d then I’m not getting many resets on Avengers shield.

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Sometimes You can kite a little bit, but honestly, a good tank doesn’t need to kite unless it is Necrotic or something like that, I say this as someone who has ranked mythics+.

I play Vengeance DH though, so it might be that… got a LOT of self-sustain and armor and CC.

Kiting as a tank only makes it harder for your dps to kill them, which will result in bad results… maybe you’ve just encountered bad tanks who keep dying but that is not bcuz they are not kiting, that is just because they are not using defensive abilities.

No. Tanks are mad because they don’t actually tank. You throw Spear of Bastion, Ravagar, and Shockwave, and then you’re done and kite while the rest of your group does everything. It’s that there’s no emphasis on any tanking and actually being challenged by the mechanics of the class role.

A better way to look at our complaints is that we’re not actually performing our role, since kiting is a last resort typically done when the tank dies. Actually absorbing damage in this meta is virtually impossible when pushing content, so all everyone is doing it is circumventing it entirely. It’s such a bad gameplay design.

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It sucks that tanks are paper thin these days, but as a healer please kite when you run out of defensives. There is way too much damage going out for me to be spamming single target heals on you.


That’s because they didn’t put enough thought into m+ this expansion.

8.0 and 8.1 was capped at +10, +15 made sense for later patches with lots of gear and stuff, but to put +15 as max reward in first patch is bad idea.

+10 is easily reachable by most who try it, +15 however, gets nasty in some dungeons.

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I prefer to call it asymmetric combat and guerilla tactics instead of kiting. At least it sounds a bit better than strategic and short-term retreat.

You are supposed to be…its called class fantasy and Blizzard failed to embrace that.

Hunters and mages kite, tanks fantasy is to duke it out in melee. No one in the history of fantasy mmorpgs has chosen to play a tank to kite mobs while being fearful of being hit.


But is stopping party-wide damage dealt to reduce tank damage taken a fun and interesting mechanic you want to see ad nauseum?

In reality, though, what you’re suggesting isn’t even a thing. It simply skews compositions further towards Sub, MM, or Outlaw in a pinch. One doesn’t stop damage; they simply divert threat, and even fewer specs are thereby worth inviting.

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but there’s nothing “strategic” about running away and spaming ranged spells to hold aggro while your healer keeps you alive and the dps are trying to bring them down…

it’s just terrible monster/dungeon design or tunning.

It’s strategic because it meets the requirements to survive and kill the enemy. It achieves the same results to LoS’ing the mobs or interrupting key spells: killing mobs and surviving the encounter, just another tool to doing it.

This is where I - playfully - referred to this tactic as asymmetric, it achieves the same outcome as hold-the-line tanking, but with n ever fluid position.

Kiting?? haven’t you all learnt anything from wotlk?? We are just advancing the opposite direction

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Agree to disagree then.

But if you find that strategic good for you I suppose, to me it’s no longer the good old tank it used to be back then before I suppose.

Just like different armors in game they barely mean much these days.