PSA: Kiting as a tank is necessary in m+

A valid opinion, but I used to switch to my tank alt when I wanted something different than the laser disco twister that other roles have turned into. Now even that isn’t a safe haven… if you’re dungeoning you’re dancing like a fool, no exceptions, which is kinda tiring to be honest. WoW isn’t an action RPG, I wish it’d stop taking on influences from that genre.

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You have 4 other people in your group that can utilize their cc to help with the mechanics. Tanks are just getting pissed that they have to actually coordinate with their groups rather than just pull and face smash

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IMO Blizzard is attempting to move away from the holy trinity of tank, healer, dps. Hybrid is the name of the game these days, even in sports. The new generation of gamer finds the old role play style antiquated.

Tank kiting is a step towards that end, as is healing by doing damage.

Blizzard will probably monitor other games to see if they should continue with this trend or if there is still a place for dedicated singular roles.

As a life long healer, if they made Shaman about DPS healing I would have no desire to play anymore, but I get the feeling Blizzard is aware of that, whether they care or not, I don’t know.

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Warrior tanks can Heroic Leap
Paladin tanks can Summon Charger
Monk tanks can Chi Torpedo or Roll
Druid tanks can Roar or Wild Charge.
DK tanks can Wraith walk.
DH tanks can spaz out and hop around like a kid whose ritalin wore off.

Sometimes cc, sometimes kite, and interrupt/stuns is nice.

All depends how much room you have, what dps you have.

A lot more than kiting.

the reason why people don’t really understand this is it’s not about not to kite or to kite. It’s more at most tanks are undergeared and we’re doing stuff above our equip gear. If you doing +2 and have around 180 gear tbh kiting doesn’t matter. If you’re doing +15 and have around 215 kiting doesn’t matter much as well. It’s more you’re doing +15 and have 180-200 gear. Tank will get slap around and best to get in get as much aggro as you can then run our. Every tank has ways to kite but will need help from other players as well. Monk have RoP, Pally with 25% slow concecrate. DH because DH. DK with 90% dnd slow. Warrior w/ leap. Druid w/ incap and roar. But same time. People will need to learn the art of kiting. It’s not running back and expose your back to the add. More you strafle in a way that you show the mobs your side. Alot of tanks I see just either back pedal and have no mobility or turn around and get hit at the back

If WoW moves fully into an all-action-all-the-time design I’m not sure I’ll be able to maintain interest. That stuff gets dull because it all boils down into the same dry muscle memory/twitchy/APM soup where botching anything even slightly blows everything up. I know some enjoy that but I find it tiresome beyond small, measured doses.


I’m 200 equipped and have to kite regularly in 9’s.

Not until 14-15 keys.

If you’re kiting on <10 keys, you’re just wasting on damage since you’re moving mobs out of your casters aoe and out of melee’s range.

The sooner things die, the sooner tank stops taking damage.

(This doesn’t apply to Sanguine, you have to kite hard this week)

Tanks shouldn’t have to kite in the first place. It’s the exact opposite of what being a tank is supposed to be.

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Really? Which is standing still?

You can go raid for that, you’ll mostly stand around there.
In m+ you have to move half the time, mostly to dodge stuff.

It’s arrogant when tanks complain about having to kite or move, when dps and healers have to do mechanics as well.
What do you wanna do, throw 3 spells and stand still while the group clears the threat?


then you’re probably dont use your mitigation pretty well. I’m not saying dont kite if you dont have to. I kite as well soon as I’m about out of mitigation. The issue is people seems to think you either kite of die this tier which really isnt. There are some mobs that you dont want to be in melee range. Like adds on last boss of plague. But most you can pretty much stand still and take the hit as long as you and your healer can manage. Gear dependant of course

Your talents are way off optimal for m+.
Could be one of reasons why you’re “forced to kite in 9s”.

Those aren’t my M+ talents. Why would you assume that.

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Yeah they are.
Idk why you’d lie when I’m just trying to help you out. Can see on your raiderio you use these talents in your runs.

Tanks having to frequently kite in necrotic makes sense, but tanks having to frequently kite on every dungeon every week, that they don’t massively out gear, is how we get into the shadowlands experience that is driving off potential tanks and severely tilts tank power towards mobile tanks like DH and Brew.

This is honestly a frequent discussion that comes up in my guild where many people were okay to liked tanking in previous expansions but the over reliance on kiting kills their interest.

When hasn’t WoW been this ? It’s never been a turn based RPG.

Tanks need to mitigate damage and hold aggro. Kiting is a tool to achieve that.

Then if you wanna be annoying I use first avengers for M+ not crusaders on fortified weeks. I thought you should have seen that.

Well blame the dungeon designers or mostly the people that designed the monsters in first place…

Back in 8.3 for tanks it was MANDATORY to know the routes with the pylons… now it seems it’s mandatory to run around because monsters have some pretty unbalanced abilities and damage the higher you go.


Your not the boss of us :sunglasses: Yes tanks run from mobs it’s always been like that in every rpg in the history of ever…/end sarcasm.