PSA: Kiting as a tank is necessary in m+

May I remind people, tanking is not only about being a concrete slab that enemies beat on. That is definitely part, but imo standing doing nothing is incredibly boring. If you can do maneuvers that help your group (healers in particular) is that not part of the job?

I love standing toe-to-toe with an oncoming horde saying, “come and get me! Break yourself upon my body!” But I also enjoy toying with the hapless AI as I play cat and mouse.


The state of tanking in shadowlands is awful, and the way gear seems to scale, doesn’t feel like it’s going to get better.

Even if bear was incredible at kiting, I’d still hate it.


Then they should put in mechanics that reward in active tanking, not just fill space with mobs. To me kiting is not a mechanic but just a result of scaling due to higher keys.


I kind of think it’s silly that blizzard has taken this approach to tanking in this expansion, if they want to have mobile trash fights, then make casters feel less like turrest so they can keep up with the tank who is forced to kite and out range the dps / healers just to avoid taking lethal damage after 3-5 stacks of something.

Which brings to another point, what is the infatuation with having overly tuned mobs in these dungeons, I get it, they wanted to make some encounters a bit harder. But at the same time there is No reason behind having trash packs more terrifying to fight than bosses of the dungeons …
The one that comes to mind is in Necrotic Wake, right before the bridge… Or going back to HoA and the 2 hound masters and 3 hounds right after Echelon.
Those 2 pulls can be harder and have claimed more lives than any boss has.
I am currently only doing these on +6 / +7 I don’t even want to think of them at higher keys.


Yea, I normally love trying to push higher keys, but I have no motivation to due so if my entire gameplay already revolves around popping CD’s, building aggro, and then sprinting away.


The mechanic of kiting is your healer’s mana pull. Also the speed of the dungeon as dps beat on enemies you capped threat on while you grab the next group. So yes, you can say kiting has been encouraged thanks to mythic+. I find that regrettable as it has proliferated the go-go-go mentality. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy exploiting my class’s mobility.

i will never understand why they took that out.

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Why do tanks even exist at this point?.


Sword and Board fantasies?.


May as well just let bosses be snared too and ditch tanks all together.

If tanks in M+ clearly are no longer tanks but they are DPS except for 3 mobs in the entire run and serve no real function, you’d all be better off not inviting tanks and just kiting with say… a MM hunter who can turtle?.

4 DPS is probably still faster than 3 and a tank even if one is a sacrificial pawn in place of a tank who takes 3-4 deaths as long as you have a healer to rez him.

9.1 will will be Frost mage Tanks?.

Less assets to make, less balance, less everything, seems Win-Win for Blizzard.

Feels like a nail in a coffin though.


And listen to the dps yelling you moved mobs out of thier aoe.


You run measly 5 keys, shouldn’t need to kite, but at that IO I’m sure there’s lots of stupid.

Honestly on my DH…it’s only when I start doing 12s that I really need to kite and usually it’s only for certain pulls…see dogs in HOA if they grow big and scary

Well, if you’re doing nothing, you’re definitely a terrible tank. Even in Patchwerk you should be using AM, and using abilities that build resources that you can use on AM. And there are no Patchwerks anymore so you have actual mechanics to do too.

None of that says “running away from basic attacks”. Tanks have plenty of things to do that aren’t running away from basic attacks, so what does running away from basic attacks add to tanking? Annoyance and undermining the class fantasy.


Then don’t rage at me when I outrange ya heals. Straight up 2 way street


Ah yes. The tried and true extensive history of people in plate armor with shields running in circles from their enemies while their allies pepper them from afar.

Thank goodness WoW finally has the true fantasy enacted rather than the silly ranged fighters kiting enemies around with their cloth and leather armor, crowd control skills, etc.

It’s about damn time they get it right here just like in animes! /s


thought it depended on the affixes.

moving too much is a slight dps loss mind you.

If your tank is unable to hold aggro and unable to stay alive so much that DPS have to stop “padding meters” (AKA, stop actually killing mobs), then you won’t ever go anywhere.

Sorry dude, if you’re kiting, DPS are supposed to go ham. Because if you’re at the point of kiting, it’s life or death for the group. The mobs need to die. That’s not padding.

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It shouldnt be required, tanking is too hard right now. Its one of the issues that makes m+ bad and unrewarding. Like you finally finish and timed that super hard dungeon to get 35 anima or some low ilvl bs loot. As the xpac advance you see less and less tanks willing to m+ every week… so sad. even bfa m+ was better


I do that without even realize I’m doing that its so muscle memory (memorized…?), especially for the jumpy ones in the necrotic wake and theater of pain.

Repositioning doesn’t always mean kiting. It’s one thing to move out of something, and another to use a massive mobility skill and watch the enemies drag back and get whittled down by your ranged DPS while you stand there doing nothing.

How are Blood DK’s supposed to kite multiple enemies without Grip of the Dead?