PSA: Kiting as a tank is necessary in m+

Yes, sometimes… but often I can just face tank and move out of just mechanics…

And if I have bubble up, I’ll not move either :wink:

I did have someone say “why the constant backpeddling” and I was like “Because attacks from the back are very bad news” haha. The best way to control it is to slowly backpeddle and maybe move a little…


That’s a concept a lot of players don’t know; especially ranged dps. You can get the enemy AI to go where you want by moving slightly while tanking. It will register “I am going to melee…oh he moved. I gotta step forward” and group tighter in front of you. Side-stepping and turning a little helps a lot with several melee adds. It’s why people notice the twitchy tanks.


Yea some groups I get into tank kites, others they just stand and fight. IT gets annoying when you have DH hopping all over the place.

Sometimes tanks are required to do more than stand in one place and smash their head into their keyboard. You’ll be okay

Sounds like tanking is worst than ever this expansion, I bet that will attract a lot of new tanks to a role that is already lacking players.


I wouldn’t go THAT far. But I can definitely say it feels bad because of nerfs, bad start of expansion gear, and the stat squish.

Maybe it is time to let rogues evasion tank. :man_shrugging:t2:


Yeah. I miss having double digit TTK times.

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Sometimes generally doesn’t mean nearly every pull.


Stun, root, kill. Focus them one by one if need be so they’re not all in sanguine this week.

Yeah that bottom part of your op? That’s exactly what a tank is, if they can’t take the hits they aren’t much of a tank just a dps with a shield


Gladiator Stance. Never forget.


Well yeah you can run away from necrotic or a specific mechanic. Thats not exactly kiting, thats avoiding a mechanic and coming back in.

I think the post was about kiting to avoid auto attack damage, which requires extended kiting. And, more specifically, I was responding to the suggestion that the leaper is good for this. The leaper allows you to heroic leap multiple times, which implies extended kiting.

I haven’t done M+ in a while, but IIRC Necrotic has long been one of the most hated affixes precisely because:

  1. It makes tanks behave in un-tank-like ways, which
  2. Causes balance problems because not all tank kits are suited to it.

Let’s NOT have more of that, OK Blizzard?

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If you’ve built up enough threat that your dps cannot pull agro from you, you can literally jump circles around them without care.

Specific Examples:
Boss fights
Mobs that enrage
Jumping to positions that make enemies take the long way around
Initial pulls that can be made easier if you lead them around obstacles

All of these I have done in my groups.

Yea, not a fan that my paladin spends most of his time running away from the enemy.


first leggy my bf made for his warrior. He loves it. No regrets most of the time even though he fully admits it’s not the most optimal power for the stuff we do

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I agree. I didn’t pick to play a tank to run away from stuff.


Shattering Throw? Heroic Throw?

(then again ST is mostly for PvP if I’m correct)

One reason I stopped leveling my warrior and dropped my druid, I don’t want to kite as a tank. If I wanted to kite as a tank I would have picked up DH because that’s part of their mechanic. I should not have to kite on a warrior wearing plate armor with a shield. I should be able to midigate the dmg with the help of a healer.