PSA: If you want to PvP, roll Horde

Keep your blue pilled complacency.

The fact that you have to bug the que to get a decent timer should be a canary in the coal mine.

With the lack of stamina on gear and all offensive stats being jacked through the roof on endgame gear as well as SoD giving people Wotlk DPS at 50 and ele shaman leading in small group PvP burst.

Your looking at rushing Van for the next year or if you get a lucky pop chasing a druid in WSG or waiting for a 3hr AB pop in a number of months if things dont change.

Shamans are the king of Burst DPS rn which a quick death to an enemy is better than any kind of CC and snowballs to larger advantages

You are making it worse for yourself. There is no reason for you to press anything but flame shock right now with the way your class is designed. No spec in the game cares if you kick them for 2 seconds.


Yep. Donā€™t forget to add that you commited that you did not play bgs for a long time. Not only you donā€™t play SoD bgs, you also lack any pvp exp to understand that fair games bring more joy, than stomps.

Man, you are a troll the 10th degree. I have mention that I have been bgā€™n. You probably arent cuz you know shamans. lol

Even though alliance have been doing a lot better of late.

When has it been a balance game? Mr. PvPer. lol

Actively playing does not equal qing once in a while. And your feedback is biased as hell.

Ideal balance is not achieveable, but letting 1 class ruin the fun for everybody for 2 (3 in the future) phases in a row could be avoided.

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he used to say ā€œpower surge doesnā€™t proc enoughā€ all the time til we had a back and forth and it was discovered that most of the time in AB he defended farm or went LM. he got a better picture when he went BS after I kept telling him to play to the classā€™ strengths, being super OP in a team fight.

nerf the burn rune before they ruin another phase.

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it was always the same in era too. paladins in a bg that donā€™t heal = waste of a spot. its so cringe. they just want to run around like pretend warriors without the damage, no spammable slow, no mortal strike, just tickling peopleā€¦ embarrassing. same deal in SoD

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Yep this is definitely the reason sod BGs are cooked.

Even when paladins were worse, the bg win rate was never this one sided.

Has to be a shaman main with a brain that dead


Are you an actual moron or just simply acting like one?

Iā€™ve been playing SoD alot lately. Iā€™m leveling a warrior, mage and got a boomkin to lv50. Iā€™m bgā€™n on my lv50 rogue. I could be contributing to the alliance pain and queue up my shaman. But, I will leave that for phase 4. =P

PS doesnt proc enough. But, I guess since Im not an alliance main you guys dont believe me. lol

SoD and ERA are completely different. In fact, holy pal was garbage p1-p3. And there is a big question if it is viable to play in p4.

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a healer is a healer. bubble is free healing on your warrior that can actually kill stuff. literally the worst healer is better than any ret paladin


Hpally > Resto Sham.

But the real issue is the billion rets alliance have. Cā€™mon admit how many times you have been cleansed, freedom, bopā€¦ HEALED? lol /popcorn

Yep thats the real issue. Thats why shamans are copping nerfs.

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I smell desperation. Need more insults to make your points solid.

So you admit spec needs nerfs. Burn rune I mean. Stop farming posts then?

5 min CD rocks.

Find a warrior to heal on bg. People like playing ranged dps overlords over dieing 24/7 as a gimped warrior.


I have said multiple times Burn rune needs fixing. The spread part shouldnt work in pvpā€¦ bam the easiest fix ever. But, you are a moron. lol

Yet you keep replying in every shaman topic.

The irony.

I love pvp but lulz at you clowns arguing back and forth all day.

PvP in sod is gonna fall off after 2-3 weeks in P4 regardless of class balance or anything that blizzard does or doesnā€™t do. Do you understand this?

  1. WSG and AB rep are quickly farmed or have already been farmed by the outdoor events. This disincentivizes a ton of casual players who would normally queue for AB and WSG chasing the rep rewards. You are already seeing its effects in P3.

  2. AV exalted will only take a few weeks max while the queues are active. In fact, in 2019 classic, people did it in 1 weekend after AV was first released. How about AV weekend when the rep is increased?

  3. The rank is capped at 10. TEN. A dedicated pvper will already be rank 7. Rank 7 to 10 will take a determined person 2 weeks max.

Battleground PvP activity dropping off a cliff is an inevitability with how sod is configured.

Wow has classically had a horde bias in PvP and this has turned alot of players off from playing at a disadvantage

Enh Shaman being jacked in phase 2 and ele in phase 3 and 4 being a faction exclusive class isnt helping.

The best a paladin can do is drop a BoP or freedom on someone and hope it isnt dispelled bc alot of people are doing Wotlk DPS at lvl 50 and healing is super difficult when your target dies in 4-6 seconds with just one person on them.

The stamina on gear is quite weak.

People like stats that help them pew pew but dont like dieing in seconds. Gear is made with multiple offensive stats and is popular, everyone dies in under 10 seconds (bc there are no defensive equivalent stats in pvp) and everyone quits bc pvp is a silly game of wackamole burst.

With currently one faction having a far superior burst dps than the other.

When your dying in a few seconds all day what can anyone really do? And if you cant play then why que or play at all?

So ppl just pvp for PvE Bis and drop it after 2 weeks

Is it not a forum? yeah, the more you post the more I can see why ur a moron. lol

You bring no value to the discussion, because a) you play shaman and biased, b) you lack pvp experience and bad at the game overall.

The more you post, the more reports you get for breaking forum rules.