PSA: If you want to PvP, roll Horde

WoE would have definitely been a problem in P4 after burn was getting sp reduction and sham rage baseline, ele shams absolutely would have ran WoE in P4. this is a good nerf but not addressing the real issue, which as everyone correctly points out ALL THE TIME is the burn spread

There is no way in hell I would ever run WoE as Ele. Earth Shield will be better. But, leave Burn the way it isā€¦ lol

At least they nerf the sp in half.

nah burn needs nerf.

but imagine running WoE and having 30% more health, 10% additional DR, 6% less chance to be crit in addition to riptide and SR baseline with a 20% wall every 1 min.

every one minute youā€™d have 30% DR before PVP DR (20% phys 30% magic) and armor are even factored in. that would be busted as hell

they could give back all the SP to burn and just reduce the multi target spread, thatā€™s the real root of the issue

Which is only good versus melee and gimps you versus Casters. You cant range interrupt, no gracias.

You know Iā€™ve been saying they need to disable this rune for pvp.

Itā€™s baby brains that want to rp as a lame holy warrior

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The sad part is a well played Paladins is a thing of beauty. Iā€™ve been spoiled by playing with on the best Paladins ever. We could 1vX all the time with easy. I think thats why I get so livid at paladins in bgs that dont play their class to their full potential. A well place bop, freedom, dispell and heal will turn battles.

Yep alliance definitely have a 10% winrate in bgs because paladins are playing their class wrong.

Its definitely not because of a faction locked class that blizz has come out and said is oppresive. All shamans are just better players right?

Still not seeing any same faction bg updates from blizz. When did you want to be quoted on that?


Let me just askā€¦ who the hell wants to pvp in SoD?

You are 100% special. Blizzard said it so its trueā€¦ lol

Whatā€™s alliance reason in era? tbc? wrath? and since people love to mention cata?

I have been running AB alot the last few days and alliance have been winning a good amount.

Sham rage being baseline woe was 10,000% going to be a huge problem. You stil got burn rune spread and you donā€™t care that much about the nerfed spell power versus being an absolute fridge. All WoE technically needsā€¦ AS ALL TANK RUNES NEED. Is a 50% DAMAGE REDUCTION while using tanking runes , and 100% BONUES THREAT. But hey. Thatā€™s a logical solution. They could not leave WoE alone.


using woe will gimp you versus casters. Iā€™m not sure I want that. being able to use ES will be nice too.

and? that is a tank rune, why were the elemental shamans using it? or should i say abusing the tank rune in pvp ? i wish ret should abuse some tank runes too but we canā€™t, and we cant abuse holy shock and shamans can abuse riptide.

Balanced ? i donā€™t think so. but nice nerf in pvp, bad day for legin tank shamans.

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hey but divine shield is OP 12 seconds 5 mins.

meanwhile shamans being OP every second of the game


Eleā€™s were not using WoE over SR. You would oom too fast. Ehn used it and I guess Eleā€™s couldā€™ve switched to it if alliance were melee heavy. I used SR from day 1 and never spec out of it. It being baseline is a smh move and not sure why blizzard choose that one. lol

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I am sorry, but we canā€™t balance the game around bad players.

yeah, because I want to gimp myself against casters.

I forgot you said you were a r1 playerā€¦ my bad.

Also, this is the perfect line for a signature. lol

One side has to wait 1.5 hrs, One side has a 10% win rate

Not many will want to have to take the time to build a decent prem over time, (not a trade chat PuGmade).

Whereas I can que on rocketleague and get in a MMR approx evenly matched game in 5-10m tops.

On the alliance I will have to spend a couple weeks chasing up a decent core of players and hope they are on when I want to PvP or spend a bunch of time in discord calls trying to draft up a schedule for 8-15 people.

On Crusader Strike I have been in the biggest alliance guild (documented by my TBC Census+ Classic addon; measures number of levels in guild so you dont have a guild with 999 lvl1s who havent been on in months across the entire server) since week one and the only time people do pvp is when there is a pve bis to be gained.

Which means you get 1-2 weeks in the beginning per phase where people actively pvp.

Aside from that I know one person who runs around the world PvPing for its own sake actively ingame.

Now considering shamans will have instant root, burn to lite up 5 fools and no CD chain lightening along with Power Surge, and Natures swiftness for another instant cast at 100% bonus crit damage, maybe get a Fire Nova totem and an Earthshock into the mix after after the cooldown is up. No waiting cus you could easily be global locked the entire time of the shock cooldown with other instant attacks

Arathi Basin with its horde advantage layout will be a 3 hour+ que eventually for the horde. Since the ele shaman excels in small group pvp 5-10 people per side.

The pvp servers are all horde heavy and the battlegrounds will be Chase a druid for an hr wsg, Rush to Van/Drek, or wait for 3 hours for some real pvp.

Shaman should be recolored red white and blue cus they light people up like the 4th of july.

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15 minutes.

15m if you put a random person in your group who wants to PvP too cus the PuG que on horde is long af

So itā€™s 15 minutes 100% of all games. Thanks.