PSA: If you want to PvP, roll Horde

You don’t understand there are other players with magic debuffs exist. Also multiple shamans (which is more dangerous). The punishment for not being able to dispell on time is big, so you either limit the spread or nerf the damage/crit part (you don’t want this).

Unstable affliction exists too, btw.

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Me neither…

Hit R7 on Tuesday by running AB over the last 2 weeks. Lost a close game early on.

That one Mark has been in my bags the whole time… Think I’ll probably delete it.

Nothing to see here, everything is balanced.

then start by limiting it to 3.

and if its deemed to be not enough then go to 2.

maybe youre not supposed to be able to wack a mole everything with ease and have to be situationally aware enough to know who to dispel and who to heal.

theres more to it than youre thinking .


They should never do another Seasonal type server in classic. If they want to focus on Classic content ala a Classic+, they should use the TBC or Wrath client and just lock the portals, remove the boats to Northrend.



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I am not limiting the spread. I suggested keeping 5 targets, but to achieve it, you have to cast lava burst first.

Even if you do nothing and wait for him to cast FS rn and start dispelling instantly, you don’t have enough time to counter it. 5 gcds vs 1. You also have earthbind totem being a magic aoe slow as a dispell protection. In p4 the root from it will also be a magic debuff. So 3 in total. But we have SPs, boomies and other classes around. And if you let LB to come out >> overload into EM >> chain l + shock again = gg.

Yep, your max arena rating lifetime? Or rated bg.

My sad dude. Trying to throw around your pathetic arena ratings on these forums acting like you some r1 glad trying to flex on people is sad. No one cares about your dogsht retail experience.


we arent talking about arena so it doesnt matter at all what my rating is.

so if you would like to counter the arguments i make with arguments of your own , do that.

What are the metrics for SoD then? If a player is bad in pvp, but bold enough to judge the state of it, I am sure you must swallow it and go on.

I do that. You just can’t see it. I can’t force you to lvl a paladin/priest on ally, q AB, go to BS and show you how cancerous it is to try to dispell all these FS from burn rune. Same for BM event vs 5 ele turret stacks dominating altars. You have to be in absolute denial or simply not play the game at all to not see this.

It is not 2005 anymore. If the class is OP, it attracts Fotm crowd. Esp when you have 150% xp buff. There is a reason that horde is locked on most servers now.


seems the problem of people rerolling solved itself if all the servers are locked :smiley: at least there are no more new horde?

heh i never said ele wasnt very strong. in fact i say often that its tied for 3rd on the op meter in the current meta.

will it be even better in p4?


there are also alot of other things you can be doing other than dispelling fs.

what are your other team mates doing when this happens?

oh and for the 5 stack same class?

ya its broken for alot of classes if they 5 stack.

most notably ranged classes .

So you laugh about it, understanding that the only reason they do that, is because there is a faction specific class that is OP. So rolling any horde toon means you don’t have to fight against it on bg snd rolling shaman means you have godmode activated. There are still some low pop servers where you can create a horde toon, don’t worry.

Why do you keep arguing then?

It is not 3rd. Stop being delusional. Hunter, sp and boomy are miles away in terms of utility and survivability compared to ele shaman.

Yes it will. They did not need a new rune that buffs 3 abilities at one time.

Yea, like eating lava burst crits followed by overload procs and possible surge procs to seal the deal.

If they don’t have a dispell ability, they probably just watch. FS is instant cast, you know.

Never seen 5 lock, 5 sp stacks. 5 mages were popular at some point. Saw 5 boomy (desperate alliance stacks - the only they could) stack, but I had no problems dealing with them with any group i managed to gather. Boomkins need to hardcast, you know. And they are squishy.
5 ele stacks even in ED rep gear, keyboard turning and bad overall - are still deadly.

You could just agree that fire is hot and ice is cold, instead of farming posts.

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Blizzard has come out and said shamans are oppresive in BGs and require further attention.

Shamans still trying to defend a class the developers have said is broken.

Now you know how braindead most of them really are.


Share the link please. No way blizzard woke up.

they said they will “monitor the situation” after WoE nerf in the adjustments post

True shamans are insane. Thats why Wild Growth is now the new highest pop server lol No more griefer shamans 1v10 anymore :smiley:

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Link please. Thanks. Till then its just an alliance player on a horde toon posting misinformation thinking it will sway us. I’m glad Blizzard isn’t blind.

yeah but horde has to wait… a lot.

Balth is a troll, he does nothing but bait post around here.

read the blue post after WoE nerf

  • Way of Earth now reduces to the range of Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst,
    Healing Wave, and Chain Heal by 20 yards.
    • Developer’s Notes: Shaman has become quite opporessive in PvP and the usage of Way of Earth by Restoration and Elemental shamans contributes heavily to this. This change should not lower the overall output potential of shamans in PvP who are using this rune, but it should make applying that damage significantly less flexible and more dangerous for the Shaman themselves. We will continue to monitor shaman performance in PvP and make additional adjustments as needed.

SMH… Ele’s did not use WoE, unless you wanted to gimp urself against casters. Maybe used to pants and switch between them depending on the alliance comp?

They need to nerf Burn spead feature. That is the ONLY reason they are oppressive in pvp not WoE. /smh.

They mention Resto Shamans too… I can’t remember the last resto sham I’ve seen in bgs. (yes, I have been running AB the last couple of days on my rogue trying to get him r7 casually).