PSA: If you want to PvP, roll Horde

I have NEVER ran WoE…

Easiest way to fix Burn is make the spread part not work in PvP and increase the PS procs. =)

You were denying shaman being broken in p2. I am sorry, but your opinion is biased.

Burn rune is the only oppresive thing left to change to have a better game.


most ele shaman in P3 haven’t even been running WoE, it was only going to be more attractive in p4 after both shammy rage baseline and burn spell power nerf.

they could give them the SP buff back for all I care but the spread has got to go.

WoE nerf is a good start, why should they be a walking tank with a flat DR and enemy crit chance reduction, 30% more stam, on top of the PVP DR on top of 1 min wall DR? that’s silly af to imagine a world where ele can freely have 60% damage reduction before accounting for their armor

no i was saying directly that enhance with way of earth and dual rockbiter was broken as heck.

i just disagreed that it was broken when not abusing that.

as for :

i disagree with that too.

there are plenty of other things in the game that are broken or very strong to the point of being silly .

its not the “only opressive thing left to change” .

i agree its very strong but i disagree with removing the spread completely.

maybe make it only go to 3 targets?

it should be fine tools and not a sledgehammer.

I’m pretty sure primordial wave in retail doesn’t even make FS hit 3 targets, and that is a 2 GCD set up and has like a 45 sec cooldown

two completely different versions of wow with wholly different balance.

In context of fixing shamans. Stop using that victim card.

Means doing nothing. That is the average amount of targets it hits. Also takes 3 gcds to counter dispelling.

I’m just saying idk of a time they ever spread FS to 3 targets much less 5 in one GCD, and FS damage is also fried. it hits like my exorcism but it cleaves and dots 5 dudes lmao.

3 might be ok, likely still an issue but 5 is way too much

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no. it means fine tools and not a sledgehammer.

you are so gungho on nerfing shaman you cant see the forest for the trees.

Have you gotta hit by an Ele shock’s in Era? hits too damn hard… heh

3 FS per 1 shaman every 6 sec is still a lot of FS going out

they could make it like Holy Wrath, which is technically uncapped AoE within 20 yards, hits about the same on initial impact (no DoT) and takes 2 seconds to cast on a 30 sec CD, and also locks you out of everything if kicked

the spell power nerf will also nerf the shock damage.

we will have more hp in the 60 gear and tier.

things have changed since last view.

not much more at all on PTR gear

also wait til you hear about the “fire” part of Storm, earth, and fire

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Victim card? He/she has it in quotations to mock pvp goobers like you who spend all day on the forums asking for class nerfs because you suck and don’t know how else to cope.

over time damage is more able to be dealt with depending on the amount.

healers have time to heal or dispel or whatever.

its the instant damage that is harder to deal with.

I for one will NOT be using tier for pvp. So, I dont care what the tier sets are… I value health too much for pvp.


This is why they should have had shamans on ally, pally on horde, like every other version of the game. And people wonder why sod is such a failure lol


the spread is the problem: on a 1:1 ratio there is not enough dispel to counter 5 target FS every 6 seconds. I know it doesn’t always hit 5, but that is accounting for one shaman. it’s damn near impossible to actually prioritize dispelling your team currently


Good try, but you missed.

Pvp check website exists, missed again my friend. And my NA acc is not even close to EU, but enough to shut your mouth.

CoD, tekken 8, retail (on content drops) exist. Missed again. You should get more hit rating.

maybe youre not supposed to dispel everyone or maybe its meant to be like that anyways.

maybe the best course of action is to heal or only dispel what the shaman is targeting.

i know , it means being active in knowing your surroundings.