PSA: How To Report Gold Sellers In Classic WOW

The only thing I can think of is if you need to further explain something. Such as, “This player has been sending me unsolicited guild invite messages once every hour on random characters,” or something.


It’s good that you want to help with game pollution, and the addon putting that information in your report is not a problem. But Blizzard doesn’t need you to add that information to your report. Just right-clicking and reporting them is enough. The right-click report options for spam and language include the name, realm, account information. date, time, chat channel, reported chat, and chat around the reported line when reporting language. Reporting Cheating also includes log files needed for the account investigation.

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Cheating makes sense to have a box to help explain exactly what you are observing. Spam seems like they will already have the info they need.

I honestly feel that the right-click report is among the best non-gameplay improvements they’ve made.

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For this situation, I’d put the spam inviters on ignore and report for “on-going harrassment”, which would be through the support site, rather than right-click.

True, something like that can also be ongoing harassment. I don’t usually find that spam needs an explanation - I suppose it’s simpler to have that text there just in case it needs one. c:

What does it matter if there’s an explanation box? Don’t like it, don’t use it.

It’s a non issue.


That’s not ongoing harassment, and such a false report is unlikely to be as effective as a more accurate one.


I agree. Just seems like an unnecessary box. It’s an extra click, which kind of doubles the effort to report. But it is what it is.

Well, let me clarify… if these are repeated unsolicited guild invites and the player has asked them to stop and has placed characters on ignore and the invites are still coming from alts, that absolutely should be reported as ongoing harrassment.

Then the invites are coming from another account. When you ignore a player it ignores all their alts too.


Though it is more likely coming from other guild members who may also be recruiting since it is unlikely that they are switching accounts. So it wouldn’t really be considered ongoing harassment.


Yep… that’s possible, too. But I’d hope there’s a way to help a player when a guild just won’t stop and won’t take no for an answer and won’t stop spamming invites at him.

Disable guild invites. When you find a guild you want to join, enable them again.


Yeah. That’s probably the only option. Not ideal, but oh well.

Can they just Disable the ability to invite people to channels for the time being… we can still /join channels.

Possibly, if it gains traction in the Classic General Discussion forum.

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I just mostly block and move on