PSA: How to ignore forum users

ROFL. It took all day for someone who is on MY list to show up!

@OP thanks for the post :slight_smile:

So since everyone knows “rankonealt” is the same guy as lfg, there was a very similar topic back on the arena forums called “How to ignore a rank one” (title was that way to avoid a technical “call-out.”) Anyways it was hilarious and very highly upvoted like op here.

It’s funny Bloom, lfg, rdf x20 chose this as thier new trolling home after they hit the arena forums non stop for a year.

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does this work for the blizzard goodboys known as mvp posters? by far the most consistently abhorrent and low iq posters on the entire forums

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No OP didnt. The person I quoted was saying that it isn’t against the coc to name and shame and I just clarified that it is.

It works for community council members I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on green text.

Oh you mean, this one?

The comments are literal gold.


The irony is that I already had Charax blocked.

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Ah yes, no better way to start my day than reading the best forum thread ever. Bloomsday achieved greatness but in the opposite of how he thought LOL.

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Anyone who denies bloomy is a troll just needs to be referred to this thread.


Is this another alt of yours?

People misinterpret the “naming and shaming” policy all the time.

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You made this thread about “naming and shaming” Lfg. Nobody else. OP didn’t break any rules.

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Super valuable post. +1.

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This post should be pinned tbh.

This is a great post. Most trolls hide their profile and this is the only way to ignore them.
They even think they can’t be ignored because of the way they hide their public profile.


I had to search back for this post, because it so sorely needed these days. Thanks!

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Just a friendly reminder on how you can ignore a user.


A user, not their account. Most trolls have multiple toons they post on.

Get a fix on this Blizzard. Stop the forum terrorists!

You also cannot ignore someone whose profile is hidden. See their name and move on I guess, but it could be better.

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Not accurate.

Reply to their post, and you can get their name. Then block by name. IE: even if it your profile was blocked, I can see that you are Bodicca-maladath