PSA: Flagging is NOT the replacement for downvotes!

Yeah they really need to remove upsetting out of the trolling definition, it’s so subjective these days… and people are finding ways to take offense over EVERYTHING, even applause.


Yah okay, I get that. Personally I don’t want the downvotes to hide the post. Maybe dim it a little if they reach a certain number of dislikes. I’ve seen that as an alternative method from outright hiding, to more visually skip them if you don’t wanna read highly downvoted posts (though I can’t imagine why you’d want to skip them - they are usually pretty entertaining to read!). But no, I don’t think downvotes should hide them.

Yeah, people can certainly respond to the person with a post, but a simple click of the dislike button usually says enough. Seems a lot cleaner to get 20 dislikes than 20 responses all basically saying the same “This is dumb” or whatever message. Not that everybody would do it.

Sorry, but I still stand by my assessment that you are burying your head in the sand, based on what you keep posting, including this new stuff below.

I spend a considerable amount of time on these forums same as many others. I read the posts that are hidden from flags. By my estimation, 19/20 times it did not break any forum rule. And many others have said the same thing.

Meanwhile, I feel like this is an example of misusing the flag button. I don’t have the post in question in front of me so I’m a bit blind here. Maybe the post was “spammy” in some strictest sense of the word, but by your own words, clearly it received a lot of likes, so clearly it was received well by others.

To me, this is like when someone posts a funny joke and everybody laughs except that one person who decides they have to point out some misspelling or misuse of grammar or some “ACKTUALLY…” diatribe about some misunderstanding or lack of accurate knowledge about something in the joke, and if only everybody were better educated, this joke wouldn’t fly, or something.

Also… “scroll through that and it was all unnecessary since one of them would do.” Really? Really? I am so sorry you wasted precious seconds of your day having to scroll down a little bit further.

Don’t be that person.


I haven’t seen what you claim to have seen and since you won’t provide any proof of what you are talking about, it is silly for you to assume I am ignoring evidence. I am not, I am ignoring your interpretation of things and I will probably always given what you say as follows.

Just because a post is ‘well received’ doesn’t mean it hasn’t broken the rules and shouldn’t be reported. I have seen blatant harassment take place on the old forum and that was ‘well received’ as well.

No, I will not “lmgtfy” on something common and easily found by perusing the threads, that a lot of people even in this very thread agree on as a thing.

Meanwhile, you yourself gave an example of one specific post, yet couldn’t be bothered to post a link to it. Soo… hypocrite much? Not that it really matters, because between not being biased by the content in question thanks to you not posting a link to it, and your own words about it, I can readily see you for what you are: part of the problem.

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People have already posted links to examples where threads weren’t breaking the rules and yet they got flagged until they were hidden. This very thread’s OP got flagged until it was hidden and that was reversed, so there is evidence whether you have seen it or not.


Given the sheer amount of people in this thread alone saying the exact opposite of what you are saying, that assumption has reasonable grounds.


That’s fine believe you want but you are wrong. Until I see someone saying they are flagging everything they dislike for no reason other than they dislike it, I won’t believe this is a problem.

In fact, the far greater problem is people ignoring violations of the rules because they find someone ‘funny’ or entertaining.

I see people complain about the lag in this game. I don’t experience it, so does that somehow negate what others experience? You not seeing abuse of flagging doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


No, that isn’t what I said - I said it wasn’t a problem.

In any case, I am pretty sure I made myself clear enough, regardless if anyone agrees with me. It is up to blizzard to decide what, if any changes need to be made but I don’t think it is a problem that requires a system change. If there are a handful of individuals who are abusing the system, it makes far far more sense to just handle those individuals which I think was what the blue post on this subject indicated the direction they want to take is.

Whole bunch of comments just disappeared, wonder if someone went through spam flagging


I think it was more the mods wanting to keep things on topic and let us discuss productively. I appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Rhielle. I had to serve a suspension and I petitioned to find out what I had said that was against the CoC and they told me to read it and figure it out myself. They could not point out what in the post was against the CoC … Kind of a pathetic excuse with them saying they can ban anyone they chose without much reason.


Adding this thread as another example of flagging abuse. Nothing was out of line. Nothing was offensive. Opinion stated and flagged into hidden.


And they’ve also stated that flagging is for reporting stuff against CoC, not to be used as a dislike button, and will result in disciplinary action if it’s abused.

There is an issue, because that should never have been flagged into oblivion in the first place.

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But Blizz can take some steps to try to alleviate the problems. Which is why we were also discussing ways to fix the reporting functions to hopefully help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fair, which is why I deleted my posts. I’m just not sure that showing examples of misflagged threads helps at all; it just seems like it would breed negativity from those inclined to be … less constructive about forum moderation.

A few people have asked for evidence of this stuff happening, which is why we have been pointing them out. Thus far, it hasn’t been an issue in here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Whoops. I’m dumb. Sorry, ignore me!

LOL you’re fine! :blue_heart:


Yes, it is; we can scroll up and read, dear. so should you.

If nobody agrees with you(and nobody is), then ‘clear’ your statement was not.

Perhaps, one day, you’ll learn that it is not a personal attack, when you are disagreed with.
nibbles a water biscuit