PSA: Flagging is NOT the replacement for downvotes!

There is no good reason this thread by the OP is hidden.

He/She - makes good points, and is not abusive. This thread tells me some folks should review forum post guidelines.


If they changed it to “report” instead of “flag” it would cut down on how often it happens. A simple change like that to clarify exactly what the purpose of the button is would go a long way. The current wording is too innocuous.


Oh, these meatheads know what they are doing. They won’t stop because Blizzard won’t punish them.


I will happily be the fall guy for all flag cooldowns to keep people from wasting them on worthwhile content like the original post.

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Then say you’re sorry like the mature adult you’re supposed to be =p

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I can see sarcasm is lost on you :rofl:

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Extends a single digit

it’s a thumbs down, no ban blizz

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They’ve also been working on a way to better deliver our feedback for years, and way to better communicate what the Devs are thinking for over a decade. There is no better place for the Blizzard trademarked “soon” than in response to garbo like this.

Lore used a copy/paste response during the AMA and called us all a certain type of bag afterwards, if memory serves.

The justification for his…outburst…was he was being trolled and bullied and threatened etc. on twitter. Take it how you will.

I saw this was cross-posted but deleted.

The OP is right. However, it will never go away unless a like system is removed too or if Blizzard cracks down on people creating false alarms by flagging legit posts and people who goad others so they can flag them to remove any intellectual competition.

This isn’t new, by any means. On Reddit, the admins stated that the downvote button is not a disagree button but used if the comment does not pertain to the conversation however, it’s used 98% as “I disagree.”

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Boo-hoo, everyone does. Some of us are mature enough to not care when people write mean things anonymously.

Shouldn’t have became a CM if that’s his mindset.

Has nothing to do with flagging and the intentionally vague guidelines.

Still subject to the second problem. Enforcement of an intentionally vague set of rules leaves an unlimited amount of discretion to the mod team because everything is subject to interpretation.

Yeah, you’re right, it’s a worse system than downvotes and should be removed.

I don’t necessarily disagree, thats just the “reasoning” I’ve seen people give. The spotlight can burn.

I will not disagree with you on vague guidelines. However, in my line of work, I know why they’re created. They’re done to leave room for error and flexibility on the discretion of the person making the “arbitration.” The downside to that is when you start seeing patterns in someone who is undoubtedly posting to trigger an emotional response out of someone getting away with it because the arbitrator that day was in a “I don’t care” mood…

Well, I’m sure we both know how well thought out a lot of the inane garbage on GD is.

Ya, to tip the scales of power in a specific direction. 3 year olds know this.

No. The problem is when moderation becomes a tool of censorship to suppress a specific message. Twitter, Facebook, Google, virtually all the social media platforms have been called out for EXACTLY that. Using broad guidelines as a justification to simultaneously promote one viewpoint while effectively silencing another.

One of my posts was removed a few weeks ago because it was considered “extraneous.” It was my word of the day. It’s particularly annoying when you have a post removed for “trolling” because you may not even remember what you said, nor can you point out to anyone it definitely was not trolling or spam and if a real-life moderator did it, they should perhaps be re-trained or…

This scenario happened to me yesterday in the flying thread. Some anti-flyer said he hasn’t used flying since BfA so I replied, “so you’ve been using ground mounts in BfA content like Arathi and Darkshore?” I assume that embarrassed him and he jumped on several alts to flag the post. It was deleted and I received a message stating it was inappropriate.