PSA: do this NOW before 11/2

a crisis actually averted? the true game has been saved. the game to have new Transmog options without loosing the old ones. (even if items cant be transmoged.)

(please make old starter gear/ quest rewards transmogable thx) :eyes:


“Soon™” is better than “No”

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Please Zidormi zones affected by the shattering thx :laughing:


Huh. First time seeing those new sets and I’m kind of conflicted on it. These replace the gear we start with, not the initial quest rewards, right?

They look fine. But WoW’s characters always started off as total nobodies helping out out of necessity due to lack of available military assistance. Like, random citizens that felt they were capable of doing more.

Which is why our starting gear isn’t some kind of mass-produced army-issued set of proper armor.

I kind of like that. And this takes that away and makes us start out already effectively being established as whatever class we chose. We’re not random citizens anymore joining in as new adventurers or whatever, we’re… new recruits to the faction military. That’s the vibe I get.

If these sets are rewards for early quests, that makes a whole lot more sense and would feel fine to me. If it replaces the non-armor shirts/pants/whatever we start with, it makes me a bit sad.


I would appreciate that mucho. Thanks.

I made a bunch of level 1s for the purpose of getting these white items and now you tell me.

Dang it.

This is awesome to hear. Thank you!

So let me get this straight.

Create a level 1, and, what, send the gear to another alt in the mail (once it can reach mail I guess), and then delete it and make more until I have a stash of rare gear?

Very good to hear. I just wish I hadn’t heard similar things before about items we still don’t have. We’ll see, I guess.


Would be a lot nicer if we could transmog those!

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Is there any actual reason you’re replacing them in the first place? Generic sets for the generic starting zone (Exile’s Reach) makes sense but why make the racial starting zones more generic too?


Also, why does everyone start with human-themed gear, even Horde races?


They should add all that stuff on vendors.


…but, with 9.1.5 around the corner, now is the time to P A N I C!

(I kid, I kid.)


Also, making the gear available sometime in the future doesn’t change the fact that generic starter gear totally ruins any sort of immersion for someone starting a new character. Orcs should dress like orcs, gnomes like gnomes, etc.

And, of course, I’ll believe it when I see it. Ion promised they were working on a fix for the messed up guild permissions that occurred THREE YEARS ago. The thread discussing the problem is still ongoing, but Blizzard has ignored it since they sacked Ythisens (also years ago). People shouldn’t be too quick to thank Blizz for something they haven’t delivered yet.


Yes they should. Will they actually, that’s the question.


Don’t take this personally, Kaivax, but I’ll believe it when I see it.


Just add them to the Heirloom vendor. Problem solved. Good spot for them too


Cool. Those items were never transmoggable anyway. If you’d do the same for lets say. The old Shirts each race/class had before the cataclysm change that would be nice. Because those shirts are being sold by up to 2 million gold on the auction house for no reason other than they got turned into “unobtainable” items. Thanks


Where are my robes Kaivax

Where are they!!! :heart: