PSA: Bugs galore

You clearly weren’t around for or have blocked out any memory of LK and immediately after. When the game would break for literal DAYS almost every patch it seemed…

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Don’t feel like reading through all the responses, but apparently if you turn the mature language filter on and reload it fixes the premade group finder.

I haven’t tried to join any groups, but at least it doesn’t freak out anymore just by opening. Apparently you’re ok to turn the filter off after a reload.

actually, Val does count - almost accidentally picked up like 4 of them there before going off to do other things…

I don’t think QA issues from more than a decade ago have much to do with QA issues from the last few months, compared to earlier in Dragonflight. That’s just not the right time frame to make comparisons with.

Maybe not - but my whole point is issues like today have always existed in some fashion. Even the last few months - in some ways the game always had these types of problems. Not the exact same issues, I’ll grant you that - but still, not a completely new thing at all.

I’ve been continuously subbed since Dragonflight came out. We have never had a buggier three weeks of Dragonflight than we’ve had since Season 4 launched. The start of the season was the same way: weekly quest was bugged, some tier sets didn’t work at all, some items couldn’t be upgraded, you couldn’t add sockets to some items, and so on.

And now we’ve got a whole new patch of issues today.

Meanwhile, Cataclysm Classic had quite a few issues with the Prepatch arriving. Everything from flying inside of Battlegrounds to professions having class abilities in your spellbook to dinging level 0.

There’s always been some bugs in WoW, but I’m not blind. It’s been worse in the past month or so.


Must be nice to work in a field where you can put out broken products for 20 years and people just consider normal and you don’t get canned.


Well, I got Harbinger quest done. Turns out going into War Mode helps because of too much people going into that room at once, making her unable to open the rift. Someone said to enable War Mode so, I did and there it is. Just be careful tho, you may get ganked by an opposing faction

Par for the course at this point. Every week since the season started, content has been broken.

Most of the broken content seems to be related to the open world, which means it’s a low priority relative to raids or M+ (which also are frequently broken, but seem to get fixed much faster).


Got my bullions from turn in before got one from raid. Maybe it’s just some people.

It’s crazy it’s been broken EVERY SINGLE RESET since season like WTF is happening at blizzard…


“Par for the course” “Saw this coming” “I’m not surprised” Okay kids, here is a (hopefully) sobering piece of logic for you (no, not all of you, some of us have brains capable of comprehending that game development is anything but simple and that you cannot simply make everything magically work) If they release everything on-schedule without making sure to iron-out all the issues, this is what happens. And then everyone complains. On the flip side of this, if Blizzard extends maintenance times in order TO make sure all the issues are ironed-out, then everyone complains about “muh subscription time!” “Just do it right the first time!” “So unprofessional!” “OHMYGODWTF BLIZZ SUX F— THIS COMPANY WHY CAN’T THEY JUST MAKE GAME GOOD!” No matter what happens, there WILL be an issue somewhere. With how old WoW is at this point, and how bloated the code has become, there are GOING to be bugs with every new patch, and NO THEY CANNOT JUST ‘MAKE IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME’. Imagine a simple 50-piece jigsaw puzzle. Now add about 50-100 pieces every year you have it. Now try and imagine making sure everything fits together properly every single time you add more pieces to the total. And now, imagine you have had said puzzle, doing the same thing every single year, for almost 20 straight years. Congratulations, you now have a very rudimentary idea of what patching a game/similar program is/can be like. I say ‘rudimentary’ because this example is IMMENSELY simpler than any such endeavor as an actual MMORPG’s code is going to be.

Kindly try and remember this when next issues arise. Yes, they have qualified professionals working on the game. Yes, you are paying your sub. No, millions (if not billions) of lines of code are not that simple to have to check when troubleshooting the innumerable myriad of problems an MMORPG can (and WILL) encounter with major content patches/updates. No, paying your sub does NOT entitle you to everything working perfectly (because that is LITERALLY a nearly-non-existant concept in programming on this scale, at least on day 1 of a new patch.)


Apparently if you turn on mature language filter and reload it fixes LFG. :smirk:

Thank you for saying this, I’ve been wanting to for a while.

Bugs I’ve noticed so far -

Some toons have had pieces of gear reduced to level 1 with all stats removed.

Zidormi is missing for some toons in a couple zones (so I can’t turn in quests lol).

Friends list is broken.


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The World of Warcraft loads, and patches come and pass. What was, will be again, and what is, will be again.

They beat my projections with the server coming up early, but they didn’t not disappoint by releasing the patch in such a bugged state.


There’s an awful lot of very complicated jobs where people manage to get it right before they put it out, and generally taking longer to get things done correctly is much better accepted, even if there is some grumbling.


They literally have bugs from PTR being brought to live.

They are literally not fixing bugs when they get reported then wait for someone to defend the practice of not fixing their code. I work IT. If I was creating a new build for an app that has a known issue that would affect all users AND WAS REPORTED BUT IGNORED I’d get canned.

Look at Cata Classic. It’s not limited to one team at Blizzard. Both Retail and Cata teams are putting out completely broken content KNOWINGLY.

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Earlier today playing Cata Classic, while waiting for this buggy patch to load, I actually went from level 21 to … “level 0”. lol.

Micro / Blizz: Nevery Play “Day 1”