PSA: Bugs galore

Yikes, good to know. I would be pretty ticked off if that one happened to me.

I was wondering why we got no flights stones after m0… geez

I am having no problems doing that - maybe you are running an addon?

I just believe they shouldn’t release bugs ever

Many people have reported that though.

Literally impossible, but some of those are just the sheer lack of QA showing, like the group finder one.

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Friend list seems to be bugged as well. All my friends are showing as playing a ‘different version of WoW’ and I can’t see their current character nor invite them to groups. Probably related to the group finder bug!

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A new version might have begun being pushed to clients.
I supposed the GF bug will need a new build, but yes, that showed up on the bug report forum as well.

Edit: It seems to be just yet another bug though.

In addition to the other issues here mentioned about group finder and not being able to invite off your friends list, cross faction invites also appear to be broken - says the character is unfriendly when you try to invite.

added to the OP!

As long as these bugs happen this week and not next week, I’m fine with it.

Obviously, any bug is bad but they have 1.5 weeks to sort out these bugs (before Remix comes out)

plz fix bug blizz i want to key

Yes I know but many people might be running the same addon.

Maybe the upcoming Pandemonium thing is making things difficult.
It is supposed to be a separate version of WoW that merges into retail once again when we reach TWW.
Perhaps it could be the cause of all this “im in a different version of wow and cant interact with anything”

Dreamsurge? Isnt dropping at all. Ive seen 1 spawn in air.

Literally possible. Don’t be a debbie downer

i was under the impression the PTR was to prevent all of this nonsense?

if it is not, what is the PTR for then?

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Do not collect them in Valdrakken. It doesn’t count. And that’s not something new, either.

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I’m actually pretty upset. I don’t get much time to play through the week. What makes me even more upset is the fact that a good portion of this is probably due to the stupid pandaren crap that has nothing to do with the actual game.

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Fix that :wink: I want more free carries!