Hey everyone, let’s make this an augmentation appreciation thread, and a support appreciation thread in general. Everyone say all their favorite things about augmentation or support; I’ll go first.
Honestly the thing that has always held WoW below mmo’s like FFXI (not XIV, I consider that a sin against god for personal reasons) was that WoW was so confined to the typical triad. You were predefined as a tank, or a healer, or a DD, and that rigidness put me, and a lot of other potential players off. With the ability to change specs at will being put into the game it has become far more appealing to players like me, and with the addition of augmentation even more so. In the halcyon days of raiding in XI, I played support jobs like Bard or Corsair or Red Mage. Classes that didn’t do good melee damage, ranged damage, magic damage, or DoT damage; they didn’t heal, they didn’t tank, they didn’t spank; and that’s just the way I liked it. They buffed, debuffed, and supported in ways that weren’t quantifiable numerically; you would never notice a good Support except that things were mysteriously going better than usual. The DD’s were hitting more crits and faster, the tanks were taking less damage, the NM’s were evading less and their crippling spells only broke 2 legs instead of every bone in your body. My favorite skills on Augmentation are Timelessness and Weyrnstones, kindof representing that affinity; to me the most fun skill isn’t what does the biggest numbers, but creates the most interesting options.
The addition of Augmentation marks the opening of a new door for WoW, I personally hope they lean harder into Support as a class option, and I can think of some current specs that I wouldn’t mind being reworked into Support to help give them individuality (Affliction, I love ya, but I would love ya more if your identity was debuffing the everliving ducknuts out of enemies with ripping and corrupting effects)
Augmentation is an amazing addition, and I salute every beautiful bastard playing it; personally it’s still a bit too self-damage centered to perfectly scratch my itch (I know I have really weird desires to sit in a fight and do next to no damage myself while still running the place) but god damn does it feel good to whip it out whenever I just want to support in some kinda way. Throwing stone scales on the tank and seeing him bulk through more mobs, giving the healer movecast during tough mechanics; it’s just fantastic.
Let’s all ignore the child soiling himself in the corner, and instead sing praises for Aug; positivity is good for ya, and it’s the only way he’ll learn anything, anyways.