Prune augmentation from the game

Ok I understand what you mean when you are labeling classes support specs but there is a vast difference in those versus an Augmention Evoker. We give everything to the party as where those other classes just have a niche buff for the party.

Shamans have windfury / Skyfury but there able to obtain number 1 on the dps meters… we will never be able to do that.
Priest same thing… they have the ability to reach the top of the healing meters /DPS meters where we never will.

Our dps is so bad that if every dps in the group dies during an encounter the tank or healer will still out dps us lol.

And again, Pallies still can be number 1 in the healing meters where as even if we spec into off healing we cant get to that height.

If anything from what I am gathering , maybe you think they should of gave us a very rolled back version of our specs and maybe give it to Devestation?

Because if we do as you suggest… there is no point in bringing an augmentor rather then another dps you know?


Which makes you a mandatory spec required in competitive groups which heavily discourages comp diversity.

Discouraging comp diversity is bad game design.

This may be a result of user error.

It maybe due to user Error, I will never claim I am an amazing Augmentor, but in every group I have been in with one… they where never number 1 on the dps meter.

And again, I have also been in many raids and groups where there was no augmentors and they thrived normally. Groups and comps are what you make of them. I dont usually play the flavor of the month classes or specs, I play what i like, and alot of times ( even before Aug was a thing) I was getting rejected just because I like Assassination more then Sub, I didnt get too high in ranking because of it, thats not discouraging no?

People have been asking for a spec or class like this for ages and honestly I believe its only the beginning if things go well. But to circle back… this level will not stay like this forever… I promise you this.

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I can confirm it is not due to user error, iirc the damage profile of an Aug is meant to be along the lines of 30/70, 30% self, 70% others.
I am currently 445 and consider myself above average at the game in general, the highest personal damage I have seen an aug do (it was me, I don’t watch mdi or mythic raid people) is 63k, that was like last week under some unique circumstances that lead to the higher performance. The average I’ve seen is between 30k-50k. If all other dps dies and there is no one to brez it is often times better and faster to just wipe and start again. Their self dps is so bad it became kind of a meme for a week or so after they first came out of Aug evokers getting kicked from groups cause people didn’t understand how they work.

The other day I did a 4 dps m+ 17 (which isnt even close to the difficulty of the top echelon) run with friends for the heck of it, we barely timed it, but even with speccing for full off heals the ret pally provided more in healing overall, during the time i even went oom several times. So off healing provided isn’t an issue.

I too play for fun myself, and with aug designed as it currently is it is the most fun spec I have played largely due to the fact that I don’t have to worry about my dps. Is it overtuned currently, yes probably, but I truely think that that is perfectly fine for the first appearance of a support spec in WoW, and in time it will be brought in line, I just hope its not brought in line in the way the OP wishes for, as turning this spec into a normal dps spec would be truely saddening.

P.S. All dps number stated in this post are based off of Details! meters and as thus reflect solely only the direct dps of the Aug themselves (the 30%) and not the dps provided to others (the 70%) it should also be noted that the 70% entirely depends on the skill of those you buff.


Low initial damage for Aug is not user error LOL.
Not understanding how something works and then crying about it on the forums, classic.


just because you can’t doesn’t mean other people can’t. Stop trolling lol.

Who’s doing +29s without an aug?

Can you tell me?

Getting out damage by your healer is definitely user error.

World first keys isn’t high keys for 99.9% of people in M+. I’m sure you’ve never done content anywhere close to WF keys, yet you’re complaining about things you don’t and will never even experience lol.

There are MANY runs in the top 0.1% being done with no Augmentation at all.

I’m sure you can’t answer the question.

The answer is zero but it doesn’t actually matter for this discussion. The game isn’t balanced around content at that level :smiling_face:


the game is balanced around content at all levels.

Try joining a pug key as devestation.

So you are saying the key couldnt be completed with a dev instead? Or are you saying the community wants the meta spec? Dev has a solid damage profile and can compete lol. The key would be completed if the group can do it. You dont have to have an aug its just easier with one.

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Hey everyone, let’s make this an augmentation appreciation thread, and a support appreciation thread in general. Everyone say all their favorite things about augmentation or support; I’ll go first.

Honestly the thing that has always held WoW below mmo’s like FFXI (not XIV, I consider that a sin against god for personal reasons) was that WoW was so confined to the typical triad. You were predefined as a tank, or a healer, or a DD, and that rigidness put me, and a lot of other potential players off. With the ability to change specs at will being put into the game it has become far more appealing to players like me, and with the addition of augmentation even more so. In the halcyon days of raiding in XI, I played support jobs like Bard or Corsair or Red Mage. Classes that didn’t do good melee damage, ranged damage, magic damage, or DoT damage; they didn’t heal, they didn’t tank, they didn’t spank; and that’s just the way I liked it. They buffed, debuffed, and supported in ways that weren’t quantifiable numerically; you would never notice a good Support except that things were mysteriously going better than usual. The DD’s were hitting more crits and faster, the tanks were taking less damage, the NM’s were evading less and their crippling spells only broke 2 legs instead of every bone in your body. My favorite skills on Augmentation are Timelessness and Weyrnstones, kindof representing that affinity; to me the most fun skill isn’t what does the biggest numbers, but creates the most interesting options.

The addition of Augmentation marks the opening of a new door for WoW, I personally hope they lean harder into Support as a class option, and I can think of some current specs that I wouldn’t mind being reworked into Support to help give them individuality (Affliction, I love ya, but I would love ya more if your identity was debuffing the everliving ducknuts out of enemies with ripping and corrupting effects)

Augmentation is an amazing addition, and I salute every beautiful bastard playing it; personally it’s still a bit too self-damage centered to perfectly scratch my itch (I know I have really weird desires to sit in a fight and do next to no damage myself while still running the place) but god damn does it feel good to whip it out whenever I just want to support in some kinda way. Throwing stone scales on the tank and seeing him bulk through more mobs, giving the healer movecast during tough mechanics; it’s just fantastic.

Let’s all ignore the child soiling himself in the corner, and instead sing praises for Aug; positivity is good for ya, and it’s the only way he’ll learn anything, anyways.


Obviously it can be completed.

Nobody is going to invite you tho :joy:

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Sounds like a community problem and not a spec problem to me


I love the fact that we are given a support option.

This class really has it all for me,
If i want to pour in big dps - Devas
Support style - Aug
Healer - preserv

I do understand that Aug is seeked out a lot more but you can always just host your own group if you dont feel like going aug which I dont understand why you wouldn’t since it plays like a range dps of sort just doesnt pour the #s

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It only made the meta more apparent nothing more. If you weren’t meta you weren’t gonna get there regardless of augmentation being here or not.

Also lol irony of a paladin known for broken pvp meta crying and making out. It’s here, best adapt.

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“Don’t nerf me bro”

Aug needs some nerfs, don’t get me wrong, but minor tweaks after even more data comes out. If they go too hard no one will play Aug because it’ll just be a worse dps. What they lack in bringing full dps capabilities they make up with their buffs, and I’m ok with that.

Did Aug launch a bit op? Yes, just like every other new class launches OP as hell. Honestly I’m happy it’s a bit OP, because it gave people a reason to try it out. If it launched as a wet noodle no one would even spec for it to begin with.

Aug is fun and I want it to stay. The high m+ issue is mostly because aug amps up tanks and healers and allows them to survive key levels they normally wouldn’t. That power should probably be moved to healers since this expac has been awful for healers in terms of spot healing. Aug being a 4th role is also a large part of the issue, and truth be told I like this 4th role and am looking forward to the real solution which is more support options.