Prune augmentation from the game

Pre Aug: Highest key done 28
Post Aug: Highest key 30

2 key difference from Exodia and not Exodia.

Cdew, Mes, Trill, seasoned pros, multi rank 1, glads every seasons, playing Pres, Dk, Aug were just 3-0’d by Rogue, Boomie, Priest in the last tournament over the weekend. Comp played by the best still loses tourney to other comps.


No they weren’t? They won 4-3

You guys are clueless enough to take this literally?

The fact that you’ve gone on this wild rant of insanely dumb tantrums and you’re calling anyone clueless is more entertaining than your garbage take.

You’ve had so many dramatic, hyperbolic statements that it’s actually hard to tell if you’re a troll or just complaining and not understanding that Blizzard doesn’t care about pvp, let alone know what parts of your post we should take literally, lol.

Stay mad little guy.

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Very adorable monologue thanks for sharing.

This whole post has been a tear-jerking monologue from one insanely strong spec complaining about another, lol-- couldn’t let you bloviate alone, lad.

You came here for support for your frustrations about getting puuuumped by Aug and you’re just an actual laughing stock.

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You really this distraught someone called out aug for being toxic? Its not that big of a deal.

Deep breaths buddy, deep breaths.

I play dev, they could nerf Aug into the ground and I have no skin in the game.

Good reach, though.

We can finally agree on something. Please take your own advice and disappear, kiddo.

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You got some serious issues.

Seek help.

Thanks for your concern, why are you still here though?

Or are you just a

because then I should definitely get some therapy.

Lol, stay tilted lil kiddo chief guy.

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Those aren’t support specs, those are healers.

How many cortexes do you have left?

Because in addition to not understanding what a Support Spec even is, you are trying to call me out for speaking with falsified eloquence but…

A metatarsal is a footbone, not an element of a videogame.

I never implied that was your problem with it, because that would suggest you have a concrete problem logged in reason or comprehension. I explained that your problem is you got domed and reamed by Aug players and are now trying to whine your way into invalidating those humiliations. It’s funny you bring up dota because I imagine you’re one of the people who does the exact same thing there. Run the whole game allowing your opponent every advantage in farm and map control and then blame the character balance when you get turned inside out. I bet you get farmed by Riki.

But as Confucius once said before the landing at the beaches of Normandy, “Cope, seethe, mald. Sucks to suck, scrub. Git gud. Damn my butts itch.”

You may not be good for much as a person, but you certainly are fun to mess with. Your impotent infantility is absolutely joyous to see. GGs to all the sane people in this thread, I just came here to try and find numbers on Fate Mirror but instead found myself dinner and a show.


No amount of deranged monologues will cure your BCBS(broken class bias syndrome) .

You poor thing.

When people type like this it means they are fuming.

Deep breaths buddy.

No one is mad, and everyone is literally mocking you.

You literally typed metatarsal as if it were a word that made sense here, and you also think that “fragment of my imagination” is the saying.

It’s impossible to get mad at someone with the cognitive power of an elementary schooler.

Stay cute, stay mad, and keep the great phrases coming.

Kids say the darndest things.


The 2-3 biased aug players on the evoker forums sayin “don’t nerf me bro” ?

“Everyone.” LMAO

I typed meta and it autocorrected.
Your freaking out over autocorrect?

It’s can’t be impossible when it’s been happening to you for several hours now.

I don’t even play the spec, you keep forgetting that.

So even if your argument is that only “2-3” people recognize you’re just a bad crybaby, you literally only have yourself here on your side lol.

It has to be delightful to be as ignorant as you are.

While we’re teaching you the basics of third grade learning, it’s “you’re”.

I love that you came here to cry and you’re learning things, though. It takes a village and all that.

I’ve spent enough time on you, enjoy the rest of your one man pity party.

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Nope pretty bad take. Stop the aug or take the loss.

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Can we just prune you from the game?
Cry somewhere else.


Im curious, is your only idea for the spec to delete it? I cant speak for everyone else but I am seriously trying to understand your thoughts on this.

I have given you examples of situations where every class has been OP or Game Breaking and none of them where deleted, so why only this spec?

Im not flaming or am I looking to preform mental gymnastics, because I see people without Augmentation in there groups and there still thriving. Why is only Aug the problem versus say ( and no this isnt coming at you but it has been brought up a bit) a pally , which even you admitted is/was a problem?


No dude. I don’t think it should be deleted. Blizzard would never delete a spec.

I think aspects of aug evoker such as team utility, damage boosting and offheals shoulds be mega nerfed and have their power heavily redistributed to the rest of their kit such that the spec isn’t mandatory in every form of competitive endgame content.

But in doing that you would effectively change what it was designed to do? Not saying your thoughts are wrong… but it sounds like it would be just another DPS spec if thats the case no? The whole point of the class was to do the very thing you are asking to scale back. And please correct me if I am wrong, you are saying that type of spec shouldnt exist in WoW because its TOO game changing?


They should still buff their teammates. Just not as often(a lot longer cd) and not to the same level they are now(slightly nerfed)

We have had support specs buffing their teammates for more than a decade.

take shamans in wrath and tbc with windfury and even now with skyfury. Look at disc priests with PI and dark arc.

Look at last shadowlands Paladins with the blessing of seasons legendary.

Augmentation takes it to a new extreme.