Proudmoore Alliance Reconnections

Wow, this is an old name

There’s a name I haven’t seen in ages. Been a long time since I’ve heard any of those names but I sure remember raids. Had my rogue Malever and druid Zaadia I believe

I’d love to catch up with some of the old BWM guys. I raided with you guys back in wrath. Had a DK and Shaman. Manticoor or Cptheals

Holliander! The Greatest Human Paladin that has ever lived, will be COMING BACK TO WOW! To Everyone looking for me, is there a Proudmoore reboot Server or what?!

Uba - Gnome Warrior.

Guilds - The Dark League then KMA.

Currently playing Uba on the Llane server.

My name through most of wow was Snipercon. Alliance Mage on Proudmoore, I did pvp alot, raided with Ruined, DoG, and Dark.

I’d be super interested in joining a Proudmoore revival server, is there any kinda congregation?

I miss Classic PvP I’m down.

i remember Tarkin purposely saving a spot in sunwell runs for Gayone when you joined…

Hi all,

Overbyte, Gnome Warlock
Guild: Black Wolf Mercenaries

Fond memories from the guild, taking down Ragnarok for the first time and the minutes of shouting/ screaming and elation over team speak. Have not been on in a long time, keen to hear from friends of old.


Waryn - Human Paladin (Shamadin)
The Demonic Reich
Reconnecting with anyone from Vanilla/BC TDR days really!

Lot of good memories with you TDR folks back in the day, but I’ve been very bad with keeping up with people. It was a pleasure playing with you all, I think back on it fondly, especially Denwel.

Hope you’re all doing well in life. :slight_smile:

Hey sin, it’s ramor. Used to play with jimmorrison. I’ve been wondering about Ray and bee. Do you remember Ridgeway and holyhandz as well?

Geeson - Night Elf Druid / Tradewind - Night Elf Rogue
Guilds: Intrigue / Demented Unity
Friends: Sarinda, Halfmooncat, Blitzed, Garoga, Sketch, Chaplain, Cellas, Vexxed and so many more I can’t recall the names of off the top of my head right now.

Playing on Oceanic PVE, Remulos.
Geeson - Human Warrior

where is that Tarkin, My warlock Demonicwill and him always fought for top dps in SSC lol
Was in Knights of Dawn and swapped to Vigilance for a while.

Hey stranger!!!

theres a bunch of us still on Proudmoore, and on Classic on Atiesh

ATM, ME, Kyrish, Misaray, Bridon…on BfA the same list+Imeasy, Skarlet, umm a few others I think

LOL, this guy. <3 Ark

Character name : Sheshifter - Night elf Druid

Guild : I don’t remember the name :frowning:

Only remember one persons characters name from the guild because I have a really old screenshot of when I was in boomkin form and mounted up and it didn’t take me out of boomkin form… Their name was Azrulian…

Xultan, Human, Priest
I was in Brethern of Vengeance until they disbanded. Before TBC came out.

Hey Holliander! Good to hear from you!
So did a lot of us end up playing on Atiesh?
I’ve got a priest named Karloman, hit me up or send an ingame mail or something!

OMG!! Vash!! I remember you from when I was in Art of War with Laufey, Leemac Hory and the rest before we merged with Nox Invictus!! I was know as Misszen a Gnome warlock. Good to see you, been looking for a few of the others I had kept in touch with a few of them but slowly lost touch with a lot

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LOL oh man Sheshifter, that name seriously rings a bell but I don’t remember the guild either! Helloooooo! waves I’ll be on Atiesh playing a rogue as a main (Sedine) but ill also have my Azrulian there too.