I pretty much play exclusively on Horde Thrall US now. Small world. (Ravencull/Ravenjust/Rufous/Raventrix)
Hi Ark,
Your name rings a bell, it has been years though. Mackeli (Macky) here. I believe there was an Emacmark somewhere here too. HI!
I might see you there on Atiesh, then!
Is this THE Teesmiley?!?
Ok let’s see if this thing works, I am probably late to this thread but as they say better late than never, anyways i actually started playing WoW during WOTLK, You left wow when Cataclysm was going to hit because you we’re tired of the changes. I met you while leveling my Night Elf rogue at darkshore, You ran the Guild >Deseceration< You had a NE Druid name Fluffypaws and a gnome mage name Firebunny, I tried to message you on Facebook but i think you left that as well, If you are returning to WoW Classic i would love for you to message me so we can get back in touch and swap bnets, we both played on Proudmoore, you ginvited me to your guild when i asked you what a guild was, and later on made me your officer. I will be located on the Atiesh Realm same name as my Rogue that you met me on, Jasmystic i know this is a needle in a haystack but if you somehow magically find me then please feel free to add me in game and feel free to message me at any time, would like to level together and get back in touch.
Same as Hordebang gnome mage if your our there Or NE Rogue Stabnstuff,
you 3 we’re amazing people and made my WoW experience awesome as i was new to the game way back then, Hope to magically hear back from you all <3
Been a long time man. Have a group going to Whitemane (PvP) if you’re still needing a spot!
OMG Vash!! how the hell are ya? I’m on Pagle Alliance now…I gave up lead of Nox Invictus 8 yrs ago…what server are you gonna roll on?
Whoa. Helv! Go shave during the boss fight! I’m up on Pagle. Lost touch with most of the PMA when Triarii folded. Haven’t heard from Conni in years…
Char: Kowie, Ketrena, Chantsie,
Guild: Aspect of Unity
Looking for old members or anyone that might remember me
Name: Liorenze
Race: Night-elf
Class: Druid
Guild: Brethren of Honor
Friends: Brethren of Honor, Proudmoore Guild Alliance.
Broq here, I think I still have a SS of you tanking Onyxia looking so small!
Lemme see if I can find it . . .
Is that all of BoH going Skeram and Horde?
It is! Where are you playing again?
I made a NE hunter on Atiesh, as it was the first normal Pacific server I saw. As I have other friends who have characters on Pagle, I made one there as well. Character name is Vashra of course.
I remember you from when you were grinding for GM! I only made it to about Knight Lt but those were good times.
I am Night elf Rogue Darkkris from Inconclusive/Dark . I am playing on grobulous and if you want to add me my btag is Witkit#1897
ewwww. Hi Tee. Darkkris <–
ewwww. Go away till. Darkkris <–
<3 Trubbert!
Character: Katratzi
Guild: Tranquility
We raided together for ages, through BC & Wrath. My toon is on Remulos, Mikaelson. Catch me there