Proudmoore Alliance Reconnections

Demo!!! Aeiron!!


It’s Crass.

I used to drink and do drugs and play wow. I still do, but I used to too.

Which server did you land on? Kreston from Lunacy here.

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Characters: Cellas, Gendrun
Guild: Demented Unity

Started Playing Classic Wow on Ashkandi

Hey mate, sorry forgot to check back here after I posted. I ended up on Arugal Horde. What about you mate?

Kreston! Heya mate, I ended up on Arugal Horde, one of the oceanic realms. Sorry for the late reply, I sort of forgot to check back here after I posted, my bad.

wow…havent seen that name for a while…how are you doing man

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Sif tabs! Eiliah, Raz and I are on faerlina. Corgi is for some reason on the wrong server (Remulous).

Vampirix Druid
White Hand
its weird seeing all these names lots of cool memories
when i reinstalled to play classic i found i still have a pet on my hunter named bowmaster on retail lols
looks like i picked the wrong side though

Sif Tabs , looks like i wasnt the only one

yes I was…it got vewy vewy quiet so I moved to Anti Drama. How have you been?

Character : Sinzen …Nightelf Hunter
Guilds : Whitehand … KMA .
Came back to play Classic and relive some old memories .
Currently lvling up on Remulos .
so a G,Day to all the old timers and those who were there on day One .

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Hey! Fell Omen from 2007 - 2009 here.
I think Nickoli and Fizgit may have moved it to another server and switched Horde if memory serves me correctly?

What is happening Lou … man me and Oz were talking about you the other day … were on mankrik … come and see us !!

If memory serves me correct… You are a female, right? If not… I don’t believe you’re the same azrrulian… Fairly certain the one azrulian I knew was female… At least from their voice on roger wilco… Pretty sure thats what was being used at the time… don’t think the guild made the step to teamwork yet.

Helv damn been along time… Elishin, Kittymel, Papyrus,

damn just now seeing this lmao still playing classic?


Character: Kareena, Dranai, Shaman
Looking for Xylene, Turamarth, Mini

Sif Tabs.

Also OMG Hai


BWM, aus and a few other guilds over the years, was originally a Night Elf, still the same toon just race swapped as friends dragged me back in but they played Horde.

Currently on Saurfang, recently ran into Cartonian just totally randomly as pug in one of my current guilds raids.