Helious Nelf Druid - BWM Mercs… Hey Bow
Hey Tab, Helious NELF Druid back from Vanilla BWM… Hi there!
Hey Azrulian, do you know if Mori is intending on coming back to Classic?
haha you always messed up the /who for Ruined members
If only I had a gold for each time someone messaged me looking for someone in Ruined…
aren’t you in acquisition now? you got acquired =op
i remember you ranting one time and referring to children as “F**K TROPHIES!”
just thinking about you yelling those words out makes me laugh…
Pogger! Lots of memories with all you guys.
Kezef, Night Elf Druid.
Guild: aus
Friends: Anyone in my guild, especially the old veterans that have since disappeared. Fond memories of Sataric, Klondike, Tempertemper, Truesilver, Dishwasher, and a billion others.
Pro Shaman! Heya
Hiya, I was in Ruined - my character was Chasie, human warlock. Only played for classic, left when TBC came out. I’ll be playing on US servers though…nice to see someone else from Ruined
Man your character is a relic from the past. You’re like a snapshot from 2006.
OMG Azrulian!! Hiya girl!! Tis me Liz AKA Lovelylite… switched over to horde most all of my toons only have my mage on alliance. This was Anathe on alliance. On Classic WoW I have reserved Alliance though lol I don’t like horde toons too ugly. I am in Myzrael server.
what server are you gonna be in Classic Noc? I have reserved in Myzrael Alliance.
You are still around Ruined? Thought you were the hottest tank ever. drool
Character: Sheath, Night-elf, Warrior
Guilds: White Hand, Malleus, Infamy
Anyone who remembers My characters are still on Proudmoore, I wasn’t subscribed the time the free server transfers to an Oceanic realm went live, so got sort of stuck there. Played from classic, until right before firelands raid dropped and guild size shrunk, returned just before mid way Pandaria, and have been on and off every expansion since just playing casually.
Aitesh. well thats where i name reserved since most i know were. not sure how active ill be
Studley- Pally
Horshack- Priest
Sam in RL. Which was normally what people used.
Guild- Brethren of Honor/Innovation
Anyone from either guild, or friends made along the way.
Like Ordin said, we are coming back for Classic (15-20pp) on Skeram horde side I believe.
I believe Mori might be. Right now he’s GM of the guild Immortal, and several of us from there have saved names on Atiesh….pretty sure he saved names there as well but I haven’t caught up with him in several days. I’m currently in the EU so I am on slightly opposite time schedules. I did tell him that you mentioned his name. Hope this helps!
Hey Lovely, definitely been a long time! I’m still here kicking it on PM, decided to come back after a couple server transfers. Gedren and I decided to save names on Atiesh and a few friends are going that way too so I think that’s where we will be staying. Hope time has treated you well!
Hey Ico, definitely been a long time! The names I’m seeing popping up on this post are bringing on the flashbacks for sure. Things are well over here. Wow is casual at this point in our lives, and were in the EU now so time isn’t on our side. Gedren and I are going to Atiesh to experience some of the classic we didn’t get to see. Hope you’re great as well!
i remember horshack!!! how are you?