Prot Warrior Nerfed hard - prot pally not touched?

Buddy you brought it up lol. Your post is about looking at Prot Warrior compared to Prot Pally.

Also i dont think you play Prot Pally if you think thats the spec to aim for. Its stupidly squishy. If it wasnt because Ardent Defender is on a relatively small CD, we would not be able to time high keys, the damage mitigation is simply not there when most of your tankiness comes from spamming Shield. For as many other big CDs you want to point at, its insane that we need those type of CDs to even keep ourselves alive.

If you have a problem with other classes being talked about in this post, why even bring up other specs to begin with?

The truth of the matter is simply that all tank specs are garbage to a big degree for different reasons. Just ask anyone who mains one of them. I wouldnt even be mad if every other tank stayed the same, but the fact that BM doesnt even have balance notes its a joke, and a clear showing that they simply do not get it i guess.

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I guess there has only been 7.5 weeks on TWW. Prot Warrior was meta for five weeks.

2/3? That is funny!


Correct - all the tanks need to be looked at.

I’m simply calling for Blizzard to be more even-handed, and pay attention to specs like Brew, or pay attention to the fact pally damage is completely off-kilter, and to not touch warrior like they are - nothing good will come of it.

It’ll be like SL S1 prot war. (if you know, you know)

What are you going on about? I was playing this while it was bottom represented pre-patch and every other season where we are not meta. Cope harder.

What are YOU going on about? You’re the only one bringing up paladins in every warrior thread. The guy you replied to is complaining about warrior and how the proposed changes detract from the currently enjoyable warrior play style.


Read the title.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you but prot pally was top damage in both of those charts you just posted.

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Always online forum warriors posting in every thread. It’s too bad they can’t be nerfed.

I have to agree that these changes are more than a little head scratching. Prot Warrior is taking an absolute pummeling here, and is the only tank to receive this treatment. Their DPS is certainly not top tier, and with these massive changes to their shield bash procs, they are going to tumble down the weekly tiers. 30% on IP is probably not going to make up for the lack of being able to cast the ability as often, I think, and leave Prot Warriors in a vulnerable position fairly regularly against certain M+ bosses.

But then taken as a whole, the changes are particularly confusion. Why, exactly, has Prot Warrior been singled out? Prot Paladin, the meta pick, is completely untouched with a fairly strong (for the tanks) 4 piece in the S2 set. Guard Druid got a buff but also a change in some talents, but not enough to compete with the control and defensive dominance of Prot Paladin for dungeons. Veng DH got a miiiinor buff and possibly a good 4 piece. And then Blood DK and Brew Monk got completely ignored.

I don’t get it. Why are the worst specs in M+ getting completely ignored, the second place spec in M+ getting absolutely massacred with nerfs, and the top spec fly through scot-free?


You’re looking at the top parse, look at the average and more importantly the jump after the patch.

Well said!!

I’m curious what they could give prot war on the utility scale. Mass reflect? Better and more frequent rally? A new banner?

I don’t think it needs to be much, but it’d be nice to give them something.


My buddy that’s played monk since MOP has basically had enough and left the game. Brewmaster essentially doesn’t exist post launch.

Blood DK is such a tough one for them to balance as well. Good blood DKs I can completely ignore for the entire key while bad ones give me nightmares of trying to heal 10 mil HP every time they get touched. There’s almost no in between.

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A couple of solutions. Bloodlust is probably the quick and easy one as it allows for a tank to bring the effect and would help DPS Warriors in M+ composition, and its pretty thematic.

There’s also the heroic leap that pulled targets together that we had in DF Beta.

Rally could be tuned like DH Darkness where it’s more potent in small groups.

Also in general our class tree could be cleaned up so we can take the utility we currently I have in our tree. I mentioned to another buddy of mine that it feels like I had more utility in Shadowlands than I do now.


Blizzard should focus on the following instead of nerfing Prot Warrior for no reason. Rethink what you want from tanks, the population isn’t growing but going down each tier as you remove fun.

  • Making Prot Warrior/DH more compelling in RAIDS (below would help, as for DH I don’t know).
  • Making Brew/DK more compelling in M+ (they already excel in RAIDS).
  • Giving Brew/Prot/DK something for M+. It could be RoP talent to become a GRIP instead, Ravager to be a GRIP with marginal damage. Making DK provide a buff for a group.
  • Tunning down Prot Paladin damage, they cannot excel in everything or there won’t be any other tank in M+ (RAIDS uses different principles mostly).


Listening to people saying nerfing rage generation is good for gameplay as we will have more GCD to use offensive spells is so a low level of knowledge that it makes me just cry inside. Please don’t listen to such people and firstly check feedback from people who play the class (not meta slaves tho). This rage will affect the amount of Outbursts/TB/Avatars and we know what that means. The tier should NOT be compensating the nerf and it does not (no matter how nicely you put it into words). We should have tiers to add some interesting gameplay each tier on top of what we have already. Anyway, let’s wait for Blizzard to come back from the holiday period.


Awesome ideas here!

As a meme: Defibrillator Shout: allows us to combat res :smiley: :smiley:

More seriously, a lust would be very thematic.

Something, anything, to make us more desirable, besides our tankiness (which they intend to nerf hard for some reason?)

Keep up the ideas // feedback guys, don’t give up :slight_smile:

So much of this, back in SL we had things like Piercing Howl on a 20s cooldown (with conduit investment) which was solid to enable tanks kiting.

With the proposed 11.1.0 class tree shuffle enabling us to get our stamina talent, we’ve still got a stupid amount of dps talents in the 3rd tree rung.
We’ll never opt to go back to earlier utility we were not able to spec in on the way to the 3rd section as every single point there is spent on dps throughput especially since the projected tree will be enabling us to have all three of Avatar/Roar/Spear while also picking 2 'capstone empowering nodes for either of the 3.

The 11.1.0 build talent tree only enables us ONE free point to pick what we want to for utility in the rung 1/2 backtrack as we choose in M+/AoE situations and 2 free points in pure ST which is outright criminal still.

If Reinforced Plates and Crushing Force were changed to 1 point talent notes while still retaining their full 2 point values like what happened with Overwhelming Rage this would fix a decent problem with our lack of being able to pickup utility nodes.
Moving both of them to a 1 point would allow for 3-4 free points so we can pickup more of our utility that we physically cannot when maximising for throughput as we’re still overloaded with 2 point nodes in the 3rd rung compared to other newer balanced class trees which allow for minor point investments in their throughput nodes in this section and for a MUCH easier time backtracking 5 odd points into their chosen utility.

The class tree is so close to being good, we just need that one final push from blizzard to allow us to actually pickup our skills.

At the very least, Pwarr/Warrior in general needs to have a more effective rally when not in a raid group. It’s an absolutely pitiful cooldown in a dungeon setting.

Beyond that, hard to say. It’s easy to say “give it more utility” (which it does kinda need in a dungeon setting), but giving it utilities without just pulling them from other classes is usually the sticking point, and if every tank has the same utilities then their utilities matter less in comparison to their damage and mitigation profiles.

If nothing else, improving the value of Rally in a dungeon setting and either providing certain banners or providing more specific baseline utilities from the class tree would be a good start.

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Would be easier than that. There’s a talent under RoP that does the next: “RoP CD reduced 5s”

Node talent of RoP is useless RN, no one uses Song of Chi-Ji, so add a node to turn RoP into a silence area, no more knocks, but silences every mob inside for 5 seconds, change the talent of CD to do something like (Silence duration increased to 8s//RoP CD reduced 10s))

Yes yes and yes. It is supposed that they wanted Brew to be the top DPS Tank, then the smoothest damage inc tank, well it turned out we aren’t none of them. So give more identity to each class.

Even a way to allow Brew bring more group utility… well… Give us BL, it can be lore accurate with some Celestials Summoning/Favor that gives us the buff. Would help Brew to give him some identity and utility that none other tank has.

And, the major issue is all the nerfs on tanks they did pre-release. Revert them (Except for pala, who got a complete rework) and we will be at least Decent

I would give lust to a Brew before than givin it for a warrior. Lust fits good on Monks class fantasy and it would help us give more utility to group.

See I would disagree with that outside of the standard CCs that both Warrior and Monk have access to.

Monk has both an easy to access enrage dispel on a 30s cooldown as well as a 8s cd Poison/Disease dispel which helps the party a lot some seasons.

Which is a decent amount better group utility wise whereas warrior is mostly just selfish utility outside of Rallying Cry/Battle Shout.