Prot War Nerfs

I can understand that blizzard wants to make rage consumption a decision that players need to make. Protection Warriors have always had issues with feast-or-famine resources that result in unforeseen gameplay effects.

Unfortunately all these changes result in castrating game-play in the name of balance. The rotation can already stall if played sub-optimally with Revenge’s rage cost and spending rage on Ignore Pain unnecessarily. These changes will only hurt Protection’s ability to “jump-start” stalled rotations by utilizing revenge when both shield slam and thunder clap are down. That’s not a “decision on when and how to spend it to make it more meaningful”. That’s literally how it is designed to be spent in order to keep the rotation flowing.

Blizzard has attempted this balancing act multiple times in the past with Protection Warriors and it never works. All it manages to do is make Protection Warriors the worst tank spec in terms of mitigation, damage, and most importantly of all: Fun.

Blizzard, I implore you, do not leave this much cut rage generation without also addressing other rage consumption issues as well.

Ignore Pain was built from the ground up to be exactly this. Protection has little else to spend rage on, outside of Revenge to keep the rotation smooth if Thunder Clap doesn’t proc Strategist. Revenge filled the gap of Heroic Strike as Protection’s “Damage-oriented” rage dump and Ignore Pain our “Damage-Reduction” rage dump. Shield Block was also increased in cost to make it a decision on when to press or not.

None of the rage changes will result in a positive effect for the spec and the two compensatory changes to shield wall and ignore pain are not enough to help ease the burden.

I sincerely hope there’s either more changes on the way, or these get reverted so more time can be spent cooking, cause these are only half baked in their present state.


All of these changes are detached from reality. We are not meta tank in m+ and every expansion starts the same and ends the same. Raid? We all know that DK/Paladin or even Brew brings much more to raid than Warrior. Has anyone doing these nerfs seen damage meters as there are a variety of talents that are affected by it and nerf the whole hero spec to be clunky and slow? Did you even play Colossus and understand how slow-paced, and starved it can be if missplayed?

Do we get a 30-second SW reduction and 30% IP? Where is the damage increase? Everyone gets 2-4 sets to IMPROVE the gameplay they currently have, our is probably gently balancing the lost damage.

Can we finally stop this silly balancing of something that does not need balancing down and balance those who overperform or buff those who underperform in m+ and those who underperform in raids.

Make the game fun for once.

That’s literally not true. We are able to self sustain after taking the hits. After is the key word because that means we have to survive it to begin with. Yes we have more “tools”, but those tools are half the effectiveness of Ignore Pain that has ~80% uptime.

Once again blizzard shows they are detached from what is happening in their own game.


News flash, Ignore pain doesn’t make up the majority of our mitigation. Our primary mitigation is shield block. If we don’t have shield block up ignore pain won’t save us. We go splat. Ignore pain just adds a buffer to smooth out our damage even further. It maxes out at 30% of our max HP and it takes 7 casts of it to hit that without taking any damage. We don’t get to see a full 50% DR in most cases because if you’re actively taking damage it gets depleted too fast for that. You keep talking like ignore pain is something special but it’s not. Also, yeah, we mitigate more because we only have 1 reactive heal on a 30 second CD for 20% of our HP. If we didn’t mitigate more we’d be dead all the time. Get over it. PS, pally’s not squishy, learn how to play.


News flash, that makes it even worse for your argument. Lmao. You are telling me Warriors get 80% uptime on Ignore Pain and it’s not even your top mitigation. Cut the bs, everyone who does real keys knows Warriors are topping the mitigation game.

You are the one hard stuck on 11s boy.

I suggest you learn to play.

These prot warrior nerfs are a huge loss to DPS, survivability and fun. They lose Avatar uptime, fewer Outbreaks overall, and fewer IP and SS casts. I don’t know what is Blizzard’s philosophy on tanking.

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Guess why he isn’t doing anything higher than 11+. I will enlight you, because of Prot Paladins.

Also, it is not very nice to come to other class topics, throw misguided statements about the class, calling others simply noobs, while you just do some m+. Stop that hate mate and don’t try to make IP a magic button because you paste some logs.


LOL. Are you serious? I told him to “learn to play” because it was me turning it back towards him. Hilarious. Double standards much or just pure blind knee jerk reactions?

Except nothing I said was “misguided”.

What key level was the log I posted? Oh right, much higher than an 11.

Flat out if you’re going to cherry pick logs without at least having a clue as to what it is you’re even comparing that Warrior’s Ignore pain is akin to other tank’s “Healing” comparing it to anything else is disingenuous and makes you look like a tool.

I’ll one up you and put in the following Prot Pal log, which does 51k more HPS over the course of a 16 SV than the Prot war you cherry picked. This isnt even looking at overhealing where this jumps up to a massive 178k difference.

At least admit when you’re wrong instead of doubling down and making yourself look worse.

Mitigation is either reactive or proactive. Ignore pain just so happens to be proactive, while many other tanks fall into the ‘reactive’ aspect.


How is it “cherry picking” logs? Even if we look at the guy who was calling me out.

80% up time from someone running 11s, not even bleeding edge.

What are you even trying to point out? The log you showed is showing 216 million healed from WoG. Guarok’s Ignore Pain did 384 million.

I’m not wrong. Even your poor attempt to cherry pick data worked against you lmao.

WoG heals retroactively and gives 30% block chance. That’s no where near as strong as Ignore Pain mitigating 50%. IP also has like double the uptime of the WoG buff and heals almost twice as much.

This entire thread is hilarious with how salty you all are without even understanding the game. The fact is that Warrior is top of the mitigation game. Why even try to contest it?

Look at the full defensive kit and what they’re actually healing/mitigating for.
You don’t just cherry pick and compare 1 ability to another ability, you look at the overall picture and how they function together.

Warriors have to be the top of damage reduction because they do not self heal as much as other tanks where the overall mitigation (combination of DR and Healing) equalise themselves between the specs.

If you cannot understand this because you think you are a lot smarter than you really are there is no helping you to understand otherwise.

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Ok so you admit and agree that they are top mitigators. What are you even arguing with me about?

I’m seriously questioning your lack of comprehension. Warriors reduce incoming damage, paladins reduce some incoming damage, heal the rest and then some.

These two are mutually the same, you need to look at the full picture.

Has anyone ever taught you to think before you speak? It might do you some good.

Here’s the #100 Warrior and #100 Paladin for +12 SV.

Look at damage taken per second. Look at mitigated amount.

Nah I think you are just too deep to admit that you are wrong when all the data points to it.

Someone tried to argue that WoG was stronger than IP. That’s why I focused on it specifically. It’s clear though that you can’t comprehend what’s going on because you are just knee jerk replying.

Pot meet kettle.

EDIT: Nice edit. :slight_smile:

That’s what I thought. Keep ignoring the numbers. I gave you logs from the #100 Paladin and Warrior for the same key and level. If that’s all you have to say then that’s as good as you admitting that you were wrong.


  • 673k Damage Taken Per Second
  • 84.02% Mitigated
  • 915 million self healed / 490k HPS


  • 742.8k Damage Taken Per Second
  • 78.83% Mitigated
  • 708.5 million self healed / 435k HPS

How many times does this need to be explained.

Maybe I use few words to not confuse.

Tank is two schools.

Damage Reduction, Self healing.

Some tank only do reduction, other tank only do self heal. some tank mix two at different strength.

Same outcome.


How many times does it need to be explained to you. I even gave you literal numbers. Warriors are top mitigation period. Top self-heal and top damage mitigated. Both of them.

What paladins have is Damage. We are not the top tank for mitigation.

Warriors also have 1.3 million more HP even with the same ilvl.

The fact that you do not play Protection Warrior and come to this class topic fighting against everyone and telling them how things work, is a bit curious… isn’t it? I hate to break people’s bubbles but you need to realize that you don’t play this class and don’t know how it works. You are making IP a god-tier talent and yet… we are not meta, nor best picks for raids. I’m truly sorry, I really am, but you must understand when to give up battles you shouldn’t have picked. Try to understand other people’s perspectives, especially those who have played their class for a long time, instead of someone who does not.

What is really your goal here? Your class is already meta and has no visible nerfs coming to you, just go to your side of the ship and throw some WoGs to other paladins.

Protection Warrior nerfs are wrong as we lose Outbursts/Avatars/Indo healing/TB and that is what should be discussed here, simply why do we lose damage and defensiveness for no reason.